chapter 2

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I sat on the roof waiting for Lucas to bring back a deer. the first day was harvesting the garden. the other 6 days were hunting. I helped the first 2 days then left the rest to him. On the third day he didn't bring anything back. said he scared the deer when he tried to get a new arrow. The fourth day he smelt bad like a skunk. i couldn't help but laugh. fifth day he brought back squirrels. that wasn't bad to be honest. On the sixth day he came running out the trees with small baby creatures chasing him. I shook my head disappointed. today was the last day to bring a deer back. at this point I already decided to let him stay. he was cute and funny but he was really trying. 

A blood curdling scream made me jump and I gabbed my bow and arrows and jumped down to the ground and ran after the sound. I ran so fast that I didn't see her till she pushed me with so much force that was thrown back into a tree. I groan and look up to see a banshee. I frowned when I noticed it was the banshee from 3 years ago. did she follow me? I looked to my left and saw Lucas looking at the banshee. he looked terrified. her kind did look frightening. she had a human body and face but her nails were like eagle claws but even longer. her eyes were pure black. she had dried blood around her mouth and it covered her white dress, she looked angry. her claws dripped blood. 

"Lucas, what happened?" I asked, i never took my eyes off the banshee. I could hear Lucas stutter. "LUCAS!" I yelled for him to answer. I took my eyes off the banshee and realized why her claws were dripping blood. she had scratched him. blood came out of his leg and his arm, it covered his body. other animals were gonna be here soon if we didn't get out of here. I stood up slowly keeping my eyes on the banshee. there was something behind her but i didn't have time to figure out what it was. when I got to Lucas i helped him to stand up and we backed up slowly not to piss her off more. 

back at the cabin i bandaged his leg and arm. after i was done I cleaned my hands in a bucket of water. 

"Danny?" he spoke softly. "Danny, I'm sorry. I shot at a deer and missed so chased after it. I didn't know she was going to be out there." I sighed and shook my head. I turned around and looked at him. 

"you almost got us killed." I spoke softly. he frowned and tried to stand up.

"I'll go, I didn't bring back the deer like you asked. I'm sorry I wasted your time." I groan and push him back down in the chair. 

"you walk out that door and you will die before you leave the yard. you can stay." I got butterflies in my stomach when he smiled at me. was I crushing on him? no, there's no way.

two weeks went by and Lucas was healed up. after the first week he cleaned up the shed and tried to do other things to keep busy. the second week he went out looking for food. he felt bad for not getting anything so he wanted to try again. he promised not to run off too far. today he was sitting inside making more arrows. he wanted to figure it out on his own. 

"what are you doing?" I sat up straight and pulled my legs to my chest. he found me in my normal place on the roof. there was a flat spot where i could sit without falling. 

"just watching and waiting." i spoke softly. Lucas sat beside me and dusted his hands off his pants. After he was sprayed with the skunk i made him wash and now he does it everyday. smells so much better. Lucas took a deep breath and rested his arms on his knees. 

"I was in Detroit when everything happened. i was 16 and so alone. I got scared and hid and all i could do was listen to the screams." I looked at him as he spoke. he's older than me. if he was 16, that makes him 20 now. 

"what about your parents?" I asked. he looked at me with a sad smile. 

"I don't have any." he spoke softly. that was so sad. "I was alone my whole life. I mean there were people around and always looking at me with judging faces but i was still alone." I nodded slowly not sure what to say. I laid my head on his shoulder and we watched the sun set. I had feelings for him. the more time I was with him the more I had feelings for him. but I wouldn't even know where to start. 

I stood up and headed inside. Lucas followed me in and I blocked the door. I turned around and Lucas was standing there, inches from me. My breath caught in my throat. what was he doing? 

"Danny?" He whispered. "I've never met anyone like you before." He lifted his hand but hesitated before he moved a piece of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. What do i do? do I do anything? I've never done this before. I looked up into his eyes. I just realized that he was a head taller than me. his brown eyes looked kind. 

"I shouldn't be liking you like i do." he whispered. Before I could ask him what he meant he leaned in and kissed me softly. His lips were soft. it was my first kiss ever. I kissed him back hoping i was doing it right. I felt like sparks in our kiss making my stomach flip. Lucas pulled back and looked at me. He looked sad for some reason. was it not good enough for him? had he done this many times before when he was a kid? 

"Lucas..." before I could say more we heard something outside screaming.

"SOMEONE, HELP ME!" Lucas frowned and stammered back. he acted as if he knew that sound and was scared of it. I knew what it was. a siren and I prayed he wont chase after the sound. 

"Lucas, it's not a real person." I tried to tell him but his mind was elsewhere. he was backing away slowly and looking at the door. I frowned looking at the door and back at him. that's when he looked angry and his eyes... I stepped back in fear. did they get smarter and form into humans to trick their prey? he was a monster. I trusted a monster... After the screams faded, Lucas looked at me and frowned. I had it all over my face that i was scared of him.

"Danny? what's wrong?" I backed away from him and circled around him and backed away to the closest door. I never took my eyes off Lucas as I opened the door and closed it between us. I locked it and hid. I could hear him on the other side as I let tears run down my face. What do i do now?

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