Chapter 10

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I took off running from his place. as I turned the corner and bumped into someone. i looked yp and saw Morgan looking at me.

"I'm sorry. i didn't see you there." i said and tried to walk past him. he grabbed my arm making me stop and look at him.

"are you okay?" he asked. i nodded and pulled away from him and turned to walk away. I saw Lucas watching from a distance. he was watching me. i frowned and walked in the other direction. i couldn't face him right now. i walked down to the boat and slid in. this was the only way i could be alone. I rode to the other side and got out and took a walk around. the sun started to sink as the air began to chill me. i had no room to be mad at Kyle. i did the same thing to him. so why does it still hurt? 

after it got dark i decided to head back. i jumped off the boat and looked up to see Lucas. he looked sad. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a tight hug. he hugged me back as he rubbed my back. did he know? we stayed there for a moment in silence as we hugged. Lucas let me go and looked into my eyes. 

"you don't need to tell me anything. I'll wait till you're ready." he gave me a sad smile and turned to walk away, leaving me with my thoughts. i took a deep breath as i watched him walk away. after a moment i looked back out to the water. it seemed easier out there. Lucas seemed more grown up now. I thought back to when we met. he was so scared of that hell hound. he worked extra hard to stay. i thought back to when he smelled like a skunk. I smiled at the memory. the first time i saw his eyes change after we kissed. he never tried to break the door down. he let me soak it all up on my own. he never showed me that i should fear him. after we got to the lab and watched him being tortured. I had fallen for him. he proved to me that he wasn't like the other monsters out there. he didn't share many laughs together. his love for food amazed me. I took a deep breath and turned around. I jumped when i saw Ellie standing behind me. why was she just standing there?

"Ellie, you scared me." i said. she didn't look very happy. 

"stay away from him." she spoke with an accent i couldn't place. i was 13 the last time i heard it. I frowned and looked around. 

"stay away from who?" I was confused. part of me had a feeling who she was talking about. 

"stay away from Lucas. he doesn't need someone like you. you don't understand him. go back to Kyle and stay away." was she threatening me? 

"that's not up to you. it's up to him." I said and went to walk past her. she grabbed my wrist and squeezed it. i frowned as she squeezed harder. 

"that hurts Ellie." she didn't seem to care. her eyes changed to a dark red color. my eyes widened in fear. she squeezed even harder making me try and pull away. i fell to my knees in pain but never screamed. I glared at her, my eyes never leaving hers. she lends closer to my face, nit letting go of me.

"he's mine." she hissed. I tilted my head slightly. 

"if you want Lucas, then don't sleep with my boyfriend." I hissed back. I stood back onto my feet and punched her in the face with my free hand. Ellie let go as she fell to the ground. She touched her lip and looked at her fingers. there was some blood. she growled and stood back up. 

"maybe if you would have just slept with him he wouldn't have slept with me." this angered me more. my hands turned to fists, my knuckles turned white. she laughed and shook her head.

"I can kill you with just a scream. don't test me." she grinned and walked away. i clinched my jaw and watched her walk away. i took a deep breath and headed home. 

i walked inside and shut the door behind me. as i turned around no one was around. Kyle used to be here when i'd come home from a long day. I sighed and headed to the bathroom and took a shower. after my shower i walked into the bedroom and looked at the bed. last night played in my head making me more upset. Ellie threatened me if i didn't stay away from him. i looked at my left wrist. it was starting to show bruising. I screamed and slammed my fist into the wall. it didn't make me feel any better. 

"DANNY!" i looked up and walked out of my room to see Lucas. he looked angry. he slammed my door closed and looked at me. i jumped as it slammed and looked at the door. 

"you punched Ellie? why?" She told him that? he looked so angry. i could hear it in his voice. 

"She threatened me. i don't take threats well, Lucas." I spoke softly. I looked away from his eyes. 

"what are you talking about?" i looked at him and took a step to him.

"she doesn't like me okay!" I couldn't keep calm anymore. "she threatened me and i reacted. she slept with Kyle and all that anger flooded me. just like you, I can't control my emotions!" Lucas went quiet. he looked down at my hands and i tried to cover the bruise. 

"did she do that?" he asked calmly. 

"you need to leave Lucas." i couldn't look at him. i let my tears fall. "I can't let her hurt anyone. go be with her. she's like you, she understands you better then i ever can. i don't deserve you." It was breaking my heart saying these words. 

"Danny, no. i don't want her. i want you. she can't decide for me." I look at him with anger. was he stupid? 

"leave Lucas. you can't have me. I have someone in my life now. someone who..." i broke. 

"someone who sleeps with other people and doesn't care about your feelings? Yeah, you got a real good guy." Lucas was angry. he turned and walked out. he paused before he shut the door. he looked at me one last time before shutting the door. as the door closed i fell to my knees and cried out. 

i hid in my room for the week. i only came out when i needed to. i ignored knocks on the door. I watched people walk around from my window. i sat in the middle of my bed with my legs pulled up to my chest, arms wrapped around them. my heart was shattered. All i wanted was Lucas. since Lucas left my house that night I hadn't heard from Ellie. i got out of bed and took a shower before changing. I needed some fresh air. i walked out of the house in skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. i walked through town trying to keep to myself. in the middle of town I could see Lucas and Ellie talking. she was laughing with him. she sat close to him, close enough to rest her head on his shoulder. I remembered the first time I did that. we sat on the roof and it was the first time i trusted him. i looked away when Ellie noticed me and glared. i kept walking when i noticed Kyle flirting with another girl. I rolled my eyes and kept going. i got in the boat and rode to the other side and decided to go shopping. i found new shoes. they were black high tops. i took my old ones off and slid the new ones on. perfect fit. I found a cute top. i took the black T-shirt off and slid the top on. it was blue and red. the sleeves sat just under my shoulders. the last couple of days I've been feeling really sick. The afternoon is when i felt better. i grabbed a pregnancy test and headed to the bathroom. i read the distractions and did as it said. it said a three minute wait. i set it on the counter and went back to the store and kept looking around. i tried to stay out of my head for the day. after i found more clothes i went back to the bathroom and looked at the test. my heart stopped and dropped. the paper said two lines meant i was pregnant. there were two lines on the test. I was pregnant with Lucas's child. 

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