Chapter 13

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Lucas was scared. he didn't trust anyone. i took off running to Lucas, Jessie close behind. i ran through the door and saw Morgan holding Lucas by the throat. he held Lucas against the bedroom wall. i pulled the gun out that Jessie gave me and took the safety off and pointed it at Morgan. 

"let him go." i demanded. Morgan looked at me. he saw the determination in my face. 

"he threw my son, he was going to kill him." i glared at him.

"he woke up and saw a stranger next to him. he was scared and thought Jessie was going to kill him." i defended Lucas. "now, let him go before i put a bullet in your head." Morgan laughed and shook his head.

"no you won't. Jessie won't let you." I smirked. Jessie walked up beside me on my left.

"i gave it to her so she can protect Lucas. dad he's not evil. Danny told me stories about him. he's more human than anything else. he's protected Danny more times than she can count." i stood there with the gun still pointed at Morgan as he listened to his son. he was starting to let Lucas go. it was working. Jessie told Morgan one story i hold close to my heart. the lab. when he turned into a hell hound. 

"he didn't kill her. he killed the people that were a threat to her life. he didn't know what happened to Danny, he was being tortured and he needed to find her. he turned and killed everyone in his way. most of them ran away like bitches. Lucas went around her and killed the man that had her. yes he chased Danny like he was going to kill her but he never did. even as a hound, he still cares." Jessie was going to cry. he added more to that story than what i had shared with him. my eyes watered up as my eyes never left Morgan. after a moment Morgan let Lucas go. Lucas fell to the floor and breathed for air. 

"he's one of us dad." Jessie finished. i lowered my gun and looked at Lucas. he stood up, his eyes yellow. he was looking at Morgan. he was going to rip his throat out. i pushed Morgan into Jessie knocking them to the floor just as Lucas attacked. he missed them and slammed into me. I fell to the ground in pain. Lucas transformed into a hell hound and growled at me. 

"get out of here! both of you!" i yelled at them as i pushed Lucas off of me. Lucas was full of anger. i needed to calm him down. before Morgan and Jessie could run, Lucas jumped back into a human form and slammed into me making me crash into the door frame of the bedroom. I yelled in pain. Lucas pinned Morgan to the front door. he growled at Jessie making him back up. 

"Morgan, he's sacred and angry. Lucas, listen to me. please listen to me. I don't want to hurt you. i know what happened to you in that house."

"you don't know anything!" he snapped back. i felt my face frown in sadness.

"your right. i have no idea what happened to you. all i know is that there was a huge fight. a fight with the only person who could understand you. so if you need to kill someone, kill me. because i will never understand you. Ellie was right. i can't understand what is going on with you." i grabbed a pocket knife that i had in my pocket. 

"do you love me?" I asked him. Lucas behind him at me. he never let go of Morgan. "do you?" Lucas locked his jaw. "if you don't care if i die then here you go." I sliced my wrist, right in the vein. Lucas screamed and let Morgan go. he ran to me as i fell to the ground. Lucas bent down at my side and pulled his shirt off to stop the bleeding. i smiled at him. Lucas's eyes went back to normal. 

"I love you Danny, of course i love you. how could i not." he whispered the last part. "of course i care if you die. you're all i have left." he started crying. Jessie ran to the bedroom and brought back a first aid back to Lucas. he bent down beside me as well.

"save her Lucas. prove that you can be trusted." Lucas was looking at Jessie. i looked behind Lucas and my eyes widened. Morgan grabbed my gun and pointed it up to Lucas. he noticed that i was looking behind him and he swung around and knocked the gun out of Morgan's hand and slammed his hand into Morgan's stomach. Morgan's eyes were wide and he choked on his own blood as it ran out of his mouth. Lucas pulled his arm out with Morgan's heart in his hand. Morgan fell to the floor dead. Lucas turned around and looked at Jessie. Jessie couldn't speak or move. Lucas dropped the heart and frowned. 

"I'm sorry." Lucas whispered. Jessie shook his head.

"he had it coming." Jessie said. i could hear the pain in his voice but he pushed it back down. 

Lucas and Jessie stopped the bleeding and wrapped up my arm. it took me about a day to get back up and back to myself. Lucas never left my side. he was so ashamed of what he did to Morgan. i put my hand over Lucas's and gave him a  smile. 

"you did what you had to do to survive." i whispered. "Jessie will understand that." 

"I already understand." Lucas jumped up before he realized who was there. he sat back down as Jessie walked in. "when we lived out there, my mother didn't die when i was a kid. we were surrounded by monsters. mom was stuck on a track. dad left her there and dragged me away. i tried to fight him back. kicking and screaming for him to save her. she screamed for us to help her. and then she was silent. he let her die there. told me he did what he had to do to survive. you let people die so you can live." he looked at Lucas. "so yes, i'm upset that he's dead but i understand why you did it. i don't hate you. i respect you." Lucas looked at the floor and nodded. 

"i'm still sorry. it happened so fast. i didn't realize what happened till it was too late." I sat up on the bed and grabbed Lucas's hand and squeezed it. 

"it's okay. we understand. and Lucas? i lied to you." Lucas smiled and shook his head.

"no you didn't. everything you said was true. you can't understand me and that's okay." i gave him a small smile and looked at him. 

"so... what are we going to do about Kyle? he looked up to Morgan like a father. he's not going to be happy." i take a deep breath and get out of bed. 

"I'll tell him that i did it." i looked at Lucas. "i killed Morgan because he was going to kill you. i couldn't let that happen. but i don't think we should stay here. no one will trust us and they all will try and kill us." Lucas nodded. 

"we can make it out there. we have before. you did for 4 years, 3 on your own." Lucas said with a smile. i couldn't help but smile. 

"can i come with you?" Jessie spoke up finally. "i don't want to stay here. not alone." i gave him a nod and said yes. 

"but if you take off running because you hear something i'll let it kill you." I warned. Jessie smiled.

"deal." i grinned and walked out of the house to Kyle's. i took a deep breath before knocking on the door. it opened and Kyle stood there ashamed. 

"he's dead?" i shook my head. he was talking about Lucas. 

"Morgan is. i killed him because he was going to kill Lucas. i will not protect anyone over him. we will be leaving and you will never see us again." Kyle looked angry. "goodbye Kyle." i said and turned to walk away. 

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