Our Time Together

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"I'm gonna get you!" 

"Ahhh! Noo please mercy!"

Two younglings laughed as they went tumbling down a grassy hill, a table of limbs as they grabbed at each other. They tumble down the hill for a few moments before they stop at the bottom and they pull away from each other, still laughing as they laid there looking up at the bright blue sky. It was such a warm day today, like a warm hug from a friend or a family member. Clouds slowly drifted through the sky above and the red and yellow colored youngling reaches over and grabs hold of a dark colored servo, lacing their fingers together loosely and in a relaxed way. They spent the next while catching their breaths and to cool off their slightly over heated systems and the white and red colored Cybertronian youngling begins to giggle, the flame colored youngling looking over at him. "You really don't show any mercy Roddy."

Roddy - or rather Hot Rod - grins at Drift and rolls over onto his side to look at Drift better, propping his helm on a servo while still keeping their hands held. "Of course not! I gotta keep up me reputation of no mercy." Drift lifts an optical ridge at this, clearly disbelieving as he also rolls over onto his side to look at Hot Rod, his hand being held like this felt warm. Warmer than usual as he smiles playfully. "I don't know, Roddy, you seem to be more of the princess type than the bad-aft prince kind. Maybe it's your faceplates~" Hot Rod lets out an offended gasp and he pouts at this. "Ouch, Drift, right in the spark. You are too cruel to me." 

They laugh together for a few minutes at the silliness of it all before they go quiet and just watch each other.

"You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for." Hot Rod said softly and Drift's playful smile turns more kind but there was still playfulness to it. "Roddy, I'm your only best friend." Drift couldn't pass up the opportunity and Hot Rod groans loudly and rolls away onto his back as he throws an arm over his optics dramatically. "Driiiiift! I was trying to have a moment!" Said mech ends up in another fit of laughter as he sits up, not letting the golden servo go. "I'm sorry but I had to! You opened yourself up into that one and you can't deny that."

Hot Rod laughs at this as well and shakes his head slightly. "No I did NOT walk right into that one." Drift grins more as he scoots closer, letting the servo go. "Oh yeah?" Hot Rod lifts his arm up slightly to peek at Drift. "Yeah." Drift is leaning over Hot Rod now and they're just looking at each other as that previous warmth came back but neither one pay attention to the moment before Drift grins and lifts his fingers. Hot Rod's optics grow wide and he quickly tries to grab at Drift's wrists. "No!"

They both end up in another fit of laughing as Drift and Hot Rod struggle once more, the white and red colored youngling trying to tickle the flame colored Cybertronian youngling. "Noooo, Drift you traitor!"


"Drift! Drift the space bridge activated!" Hot Rod shouted as he jumped onto the other mech who looks surprised and didn't even have time to reply as Hot Rod kept talking, "It's all over the news! It's another colony ship! We're getting new settlers!" Drift blinks a couple times as his best friend gestures wildly with his free golden servo towards the TV in the other room. "I...uh...okay?" Hot Rod pouts at this as he goes from holding onto the dark colored wrist to grabbing onto Drift's shoulders, looking into bright blue optics. "This is BIG NEWS Drift! We haven't had newcomers in so long! Do you think they're like us? Or more organic?"

"Probably like us?" Drift was a little dizzy as Hot Rod laughed and shook him, still excited. "Come on we gotta go before we miss it!"

"Wait what are you-? HOT ROD!" Drift cried out as he was suddenly being dragged out of the building that Hot Rod and he lived in. He knew that he didn't stand a chance of resisting his best friend so he just went along with it with a resigned sigh.

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