Chapter 2: Dawn of the First Day

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The UA campus main sidewalk is much less crowded than on the day of the exams, but it's still lively and busy. Ryumi even catches sight of a couple others in the school's uniform flying around overhead as she stops to catch her breath after cresting the steep hill. She's still not fully comfortable or confident enough in her place here to go for it herself... Soon though, since it doesn't seem against any rules, and she's always felt like flying was easier than hiking - at least for ground as steep as this.

One last deep breath, and she starts off toward the main building, again following a little directions card to find her way to her classroom. As she's taking in the sights of campus, now without the pressure of the entrance exam, she spots a familiar girl walking a bit ahead of her.

"Oh, hey!" She calls out and waves to the tall girl with the long black ponytail. She's not sure of her name, but she was sitting a few spots to her left at the exam, and she showed off a neat quirk during the practical.

The other girl looks confused at first, but smiles as soon as the recognition flashes across her face. "Oh, good morning - you were at the recommendation exam, correct? You have an impressive quirk..." She pauses, something like doubt on her face for just a second. "My apologies, I never caught your name."

It's kind of a silly question, mutation quirks tend not to be super forgettable. But sometimes people like to pretend they are, in hopes of making things less awkward. It doesn't ever actually help, but she understands the reason.

"Yeah - I'm Ryumi Arisato, it's nice to see a familiar face." She grins and offers a hand. "Just Ryumi is fine though."

The other girl nods, taking the handshake and then falling in step with Ryumi. "Momo Yaoyorozu."

"It's good to meet you properly, Yaoyorozu - your quirk seemed pretty cool too. Way more versatile than mine is." Ryumi swishes her tail excitedly. She'd made a promise to herself to take this as a fresh start and really try to make friends here, so she's pleased it's going well already.

Yaoyorozu smiles politely and thoughtfully touches a hand to her chest. "Thank you. Sometimes I think it's not as well suited for combat, but..."

Ryumi ponders, putting a finger to her chin for a moment, and shrugs. "I don't know about that. I mean, I'm sure it's a lot harder to use well than something more straightforward, but with so many options you can be a huge help in a much wider range of situations." She cracks a grin and flexes her scales on one arm. "Takes a lot more thought than mine anyway."

"What is your quirk exactly, if you don't mind my asking?" The taller girl gives her a genuinely curious look.

Ryumi's grin turns briefly sheepish. "Oh right, I guess I did fly off pretty quickly on the practical." She thinks it over for a bit. "Well, the simple way to explain it... It's basically a transformation-class strength-enhancer that uses electricity as a sort of fuel." She isn't too concerned about dropping the technical terms - if Yaoyorozu was in the recommendation pool she's probably familiar with at least that much.

Her assumption proves correct as Yaoyorozu nods, looking at the gleaming navy and black scales on Ryumi's arm.

She releases the transformation on her arm and the scales vanish. "It's a little more complicated, but the extra details take forever to get into. What about yours? I saw you could create stuff, obviously, so I'm guessing it must be an emitter-class but..."

Yaoyorozu seems surprised. "You really know your quirk studies."

Ryumi smiles again, chuckling lightly. "Well, my mom's from a family of quirk scientists, and dad's a paramedic. I guess I picked up some things." Something in her expression changes slightly as she mentions her parents, but she hides it again before anyone can notice.

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