Chapter 22: Memories

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It sounded easy at the time, but now, standing before the staff room door, she can't help but shuffle her feet and curl her tail around one ankle.

Shoto leans on the wall near the corner where this offshoot meets the main hall, waiting for her. He glances her way.

Ryumi nods, takes a long breath, and knocks as she slowly opens the door and peeks inside. "Um. Aizawa? Sensei?"

The inside of the room reminds her of the setup of the back office at Manual's agency, though most of the desks here are far more cluttered. From here she can see one that has a couple small shooting targets and a nerf gun laying around; another with dozens of CDs scattered on the surface, nearly burying an English textbook; and another with a tiny zen garden and a couple abstract stone sculptures.

The last one in the row stands in stark contrast by virtue of its utter plainness. There's almost nothing ornamental at all, just the absolute basics required for work, all arranged neatly for easy access. The only thing you might call decor is a small photo pinned to the wall beside the desk - it shows what looks like a younger Present Mic and Aizawa, with another person Ryumi doesn't recognize. He has a mop of fluffy looking light blue hair, bright blue eyes, bulky goggles up on his forehead, and a bandage across the bridge of his nose. His grin is as wild and enthusiastic as Mic's typically is, and even Aizawa has a small - if somewhat reluctant - smile in the image. Though he still looks just as tired then as he does now.

Aizawa spins around in his chair at hearing his name, taking no note of what his student may have been looking at. Or at least, not mentioning it if he does. "Ah. Arisato. I needed to talk to you." He waves her closer, and she slips into the staff room.

The door falls shut behind her as she cautiously walks up to Aizawa's desk. "Uhm, about Parents' Day..." Ryumi pauses, and he gives a subtle nod for her to continue. "I... don't have anyone who can come. I asked Ryukyu, but she's going to be busy all day, and..."

Aizawa closes his eyes and nods slowly. His expression is somehow much softer, more gentle, than it usually is in front of the class. He waits a moment, as if considering. "What will you do?"

She immediately casts her gaze back to the floor. She had been hoping he would have a suggestion for her - but of course, seemingly everything is a test with him. "I... I was thinking about just staying home. I don't know if I..."

He takes a deep breath, rubbing his chin with a hand. When she risks a glance up at his reaction, she's met with his intense stare, though it has no sharpness to it. "Well... I understand if you feel like you can't attend." He turns back to the desk and shuffles a stack of papers. "...However, I do think there will be something valuable for you to get out of the experience."

For a second, she can just make out the edge of a frown on the corner of his mouth, but he sighs and when he turns around to face her again it's gone.

"I'll leave it up to you." Briefly it seems like that's the end of it, and she's about to back away and leave when he speaks again. "...If it will help, I don't expect you to write anything. And if you decide you can't make it, I won't count it against your record."

She nods. "Thank you, sensei." She knows she should feel more grateful for the concession, especially from a teacher as tough as Aizawa, but it's hard to actually sound convincing. Her hand is on the door handle to leave, to hopefully brush aside her worries with training, when she remembers something else.

Ryumi looks over her shoulder at her teacher, lowering her wing on that side to clear her view. "Oh... ah. Sensei?"

He turns back from his work. She feels that normally he would snap at someone for a parting interruption like this, but he's probably biting his tongue for her sake. "Yes, Arisato?"

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