Chapter 26: I-Island I-Exploration

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The actual day comes up sooner than expected. Obviously she knew the date, but the days between have seemed to melt away - even those few that she ended up spending mostly at home.

Now she's standing with Shoto and staring down the Endeavor agency jet. It's a relatively small thing as planes go, probably only meant for a dozen or so passengers. The side has the agency's logo prominently on display, and the rest is painted with flames licking at a black background.

Her grip on the strap of her bag tightens. She's already had a pill to try and calm her fears of course, but still a sense of dread hangs over her as they walk up to the waiting staircase.

Shoto notices, and lays a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine. It'll only be an hour or so."

Despite Ryumi's best efforts to seem brave, a soft whine escapes her as they board.

He walks with her to a seat, taking her bag and setting it on the floor. He leaves his own as well, and briefly disappears to check on the rest of their luggage.

When he reappears, he has some water and a couple basic snacks. He hands her a water and offers a snack, but she only takes the drink for now. With that done, he settles into the chair next to her. He looks at her, shifting uncomfortably. "Sorry about the chairs."

She shakes her head. That's something she's unfortunately used to, having her tail and wings half squished in a chair meant for a regular person. That's something she can deal with, but the prospect of trusting a metal tube powered by controlled explosions...

Shoto sets his hand on her arm, and she very slightly reduces her death grip on the armrest. "I'm here. It'll be okay." He says, in a tone that almost succeeds in being reassuring.

That's not to say he's done a bad job - she wants to trust what he's saying, it's just that her mind resists the effort.

She takes a deep, shaky breath as the last checks before takeoff happen, and she closes her eyes tight. It won't be too long. It won't be too long. People do this every day, and they survive. A hint of a frown appears and she presses one fang gently into her lip. Crazy people. But people.


A short time later - but still far too long for Ryumi's tastes - the plane touches down at I-Island.

Her legs are still a bit shaky as they go to disembark, though the trip was overall a smooth one. She pauses at the top of the stairs to take a slow, deep breath, and then leaps into the air and flies down. Upon landing on the tarmac, she falls to her knees, just grateful for the solid ground.

Shoto hurriedly runs after her at the sight, but she waves him off when he arrives at her side.

"It's fine, I just..." She sighs heavily and gets back up, taking her share of the luggage from him. A shiver passes through her. "Planes."

He nods. "It wasn't even that rough, really. But I know you don't like it."

"Todoroki? Ryumi?"

A familiar voice causes them both to turn. Walking up behind them, apparently coming from another plane in the far distance, is Midoriya. He waves with a broad grin on his face as he trots over to the pair. And following along behind is the strange tall man from the sports festival. Then, as now, he's dressed in an ill-fitting suit and an anxious expression.

"Oh, hey Midoriya." Ryumi returns the wave and tries to push aside the last lingering bits of fear from the journey over. "Are you here with your dad?" She nods to the tall man as he walks up.

"Huh?" He looks over his shoulder. Seeming to realize something, he panics and trips over his words. "Oh, um--no. I mean yes! I mean..." He looks to the man, and back to his friends. "M-my stepdad. He's my stepdad."

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