Chapter 12: Round Two, Fight!

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A little while after the arm wrestling ends, Ochaco returns to the stands. Her eyes are red and puffy, and she's bandaged in a few places, but otherwise looks mostly okay.

"Have they started yet?" She looks out at the field as she returns to her seat. "I have to see this."

Tokoyami and Iida are still surprised by her appearance, though. "Ura..." Iida stops, startled at her face. "Were you blinded?! Hurry up and go see Recovery Girl!"

"I already did. This is from... something else." She rubs her eyes as she sits between Iida and Ryumi and reclaims her drink.

"Something else? You're not having the best of days..." Iida frets over her.

Ryumi rolls her eyes at the overserious boy. "She was just crying, you dummy."

Ochaco pouts, giving a weakly indignant defense. "I was not..."

"Ah, of course. If I were you, I'd be frustrated too." Iida nods.

"It's no time to wallow. Don't regret your loss. Just learn from it and move on. Use this next fight as a source of encouragement." Tokoyami adds sagely.

Ochaco puts her determined face back on. "Will do."

"That's precisely right." Iida nods, then drops his voice to a faint whisper. "...You're so wise."

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Tokoyami." Ryumi looks at the brown-haired girl sitting next to her. "You put up a good fight, regardless. That alone will impress some agencies. You can train people to be quicker, stronger... but that kind of determination is a lot harder to come by."

"You really think so?" Ochaco smiles and rubs the back of her neck. "...Thanks."

Yaoyorozu shifts in her seat, remaining silent as she keeps her gaze shamefully away from the others.

"I can feel the anticipation in the stadium! And that's because the second round's first match is gonna be epic!" Present Mic begins, posing dramatically in the booth. "First up, it's the guy who won his last fight by a landslide and literally left half the audience frozen. The hero course's Shoto Todoroki!"

Todoroki walks out, a grim look of determination on his face.

Mic continues after allowing a moment for the audience to yell and applaud. "And this kid almost walked out of his first matchup, but made a stunning comeback by showing off some impressive moves! Also from the hero course, Izuku Midoriya!"

Midoriya steps out, doing his best to conceal his fear. The attention from the crowd, all the eyes on him doesn't seem like it's helping things.

In the stands, Iida pipes up as they await the starting call. "Tokoyami. How do you think this match will go?"

Tokoyami closes his eyes a moment to think. "It depends on whether or not Midoriya is able to get in close to him."

"Yeah, that's the problem." Ochaco looks back at the arena. "So, how's Deku gonna deal with the ice?"

Ryumi taps her chin and flexes her wings. "Those blasts of his are pretty strong, but since he breaks his fingers to do them..."

Ochaco instantly starts pouting at her. "You sound like you're doubting him again!"

"Calm down, Uraraka. It's a good point..." Iida offers, making a placating gesture.

"Well, I still think he's gonna find a way to win." Her voice is slightly muffled and echoey as she sips from her iced tea.

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