Chapter 25: Summer Plans

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The next morning, a portion of the class is shrouded in gloom.

"Everyone... I'm looking forward to hearing all your... awesome stories about how fun camp was." Mina sobs, wiping her eyes.

Midoriya stands among the group that's despairing, doing his best to stay positive. "Just hold on. Maybe they'll end up letting you go."

Sero steps up behind him with a dark expression and lays a hand on his shoulder. "Don't say that, Midoriya. You're gonna jinx it."

"They said whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell, and we flunked the practical!" Kaminari cries, leaping in and pointing dramatically. "So we're doomed, don't you get it, Midoriya? Or did All Might knock all the brains out of you?"

"Ease up, Kaminari." Sero warns, then looks to the sobbing Mina. "Shouldn't you have passed, though? Ryumi made it out."

Mina sniffles. "But I didn't do that much to help, and I was totally out for the final stretch."

"Sure, but until we know how they're actually grading this thing..." Sero begins, only to get cut off.

"Save your pity!" Kaminari demands, then switches instantly to begging. "At least bring us lots of camp souvenirs, please?"

Sero sighs. "You know I'm toast too, right?"

The bell sounds and the door opens to reveal Aizawa - precisely on time, as usual. "That's the bell. You should be in your seats."

The crowd reluctantly disperses and returns to their desks.

Aizawa takes his spot at the podium as they walk. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So, when it comes to the training camp... everyone is going." Something approaching a smile appears on his face.

Despair shifts to a panicked joy in the five of them.

"Wait, we're really allowed to go?" Kirishima asks, stunned.

"Seriously?" Mina has tears in her eyes again, but they shine with cautious hope.

Aizawa nods to the questions. "Yeah. The good news is that no one bombed the written exam. But five of you failed the practical badly. Two teams, of course, and then Ashido failed as well."

Mina sinks in her chair. "I knew it. Just because we made it didn't mean I did enough to pass..."

"Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, us teachers made sure to leave a way for you students to win. If we hadn't, none of you would've stood a chance. We were interested in observing how you each worked together and approached the task at hand." Aizawa elaborates.

Honestly it feels like some of us barely stood a chance even with that... Ryumi thinks. Though based on what Shoto said about her battle, it must have been true.

Ojiro lifts a hand cautiously. "But didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back?"

"That was just to push you. We are talking about training camp after all. When we're there, we'll be focused on building your strength. More than anyone else, those who failed are in dire need of this. We were never going to separate you." That funny not-quite smile appears on their teacher's face again. "That was just a rational deception we used."

"Rational deception? We've been tricked again. I should have expected this!" Iida bolts upright and raises his hand. "Sensei, this is the second - or maybe third - time you've lied to us. Aren't you worried we'll lose faith in you?"

"Way to be a wet blanket, Iida." Ochaco smiles awkwardly from the seat behind.

"That's a good point. I'll consider it. But I wasn't lying to you about everything. Failure is still failure. You five will receive special supplemental lessons." Aizawa pauses to watch the news dampen the enthusiasm from them. "Frankly, they'll be far tougher than what you'd face at summer school. Anyway, I'll be handing out camp manuals. Take one and pass it back."

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