Chapter 5: The Meaning of the Motto

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The scene outside the smaller dome that comprised the windstorm zone is total chaos. There's obviously still a large, dangerous fight happening in the central plaza, but it's hard to say much about the other zones from ground level.

"I'll go up and have a look, you two stay hidden for now." Ryumi glances back at the two boys, who nod and shuffle back into some bushes. If there's a safe place, she can fly them there easily and start regrouping everyone. But she needs to know what's happening, where to go, before making that decision.

The conditions here make for much easier flying than the storm, and better visibility too. She only needs to ascend about half the dome's height to see enough to assess most of the areas.

At the flood zone next door to the windstorm area, she sees Midoriya and Tsu just making it to the edge of the lake. Midoriya is cradling his hand close to his chest again, so he must have used his power and broken some fingers or his whole hand – hard to say for sure from up here. Scattered in the water behind them are a dozen or so dazed and/or unconscious villains drifting about near where the boat used to be.

Next around the big circle is another closed smaller dome like the one her and the two boys just left, but this one has flames painted on the exterior. Conflagration zone. Well, she'd rather not breathe a bunch of smoke just yet. If I could meet up with Yaoyorozu and get her to make an air filter, it'd be a lot safer... She tables that location for the moment.

After that is the mountain zone, where she spies Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari, seemingly making quick work of their villains as well. Yaoyorozu and Jiro are just crawling out from under a large silvery sheet of cloth, and Kaminari is stumbling around a field of collapsed enemies. She notes their position and continues around.

The landslide zone stands out as being covered in a huge patch of ice that definitely wasn't there when the students first arrived. Must be Todoroki... She can just make out him talking to a couple of the incapacitated villain popsicles dotting the hillside. Certainly looks like he's got it under control.

The collapse zone is another one where so much of it is interior spaces that it's hard for her to survey properly. There are a few conspicuous smoke clouds rising from one structure though, again, something that wasn't present when the class entered the space earlier. Could that be Bakugo?

In the center, Ryumi grimaces, seeing Aizawa is in rough shape. The villains are overpowering him now, but there's too many for her to make a dent in, especially after she's mostly exhausted her energy stores - much as she'd like to swoop in and help.

Lastly, the entry platform. She sights a handful of her classmates - Uraraka, Shoji, Sato, Sero, and Ashido - plus an incapacitated Thirteen lying on the floor. The misty villain seems to have left them to take part in the central fight. That's the safe spot, then...

Ryumi dives back to where she left Tokoyami and Koda, and the bird boy calmly steps out of hiding. "Well? What did you find?"

She closes her eyes and takes a breath to respond. "Most of our classmates are doing fine. The ones I could see, anyway. I think most of this force is low-rent thugs with no real training..." She reopens her eyes and gets a serious look. "That warping guy, and a couple of the guys at the center, though... they're for real. Thirteen is hurt, though the villains seem to have abandoned that area, and Aizawa..." She doesn't finish, but the worry on her face is all that needs said.

Tokoyami nods, doing a fair job of staying calm. Koda shrinks back again.

"I can take the two of you up to the platform with the others, for now. I should see about patching up Thirteen at least." Ryumi taps the trauma kit she has clipped to her belt.

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