Chapter 3: Hero Advanced Training

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The next morning begins rather dull, in Ryumi's estimation. Morning classes are all regular high school stuff, though there are occasional dips into something more exciting like hero history, hero code, or quirk science. Unfortunately, even Present Mic can't make learning English or studying literature interesting (not in Ryumi's opinion anyway) - but at least with all the shouting he does it's hard to doze off no matter how boring the day's lesson is.

Afternoon, though... Afternoon it's time for the real fun. The reason she was set on coming here.

Almost as soon as everyone has landed back in their seats after lunch, the door slams open and the hulking form of All Might leans in, hanging himself bizarrely from the sides of the doorframe. He's wearing an older costume – primarily red with some white circles and stripes, yellow gloves and boots and a deep blue cape – Ryumi doesn't know which one specifically, just that it isn't his current style.

"I have... come through the door, like normal!" He takes an awkward step after releasing his grip on the doorframe but recovers into a proud march, taking up a spot behind the podium. He flashes his trademark grin at the awestruck class. Everyone's eyes light up with excitement.

"Wow, it's All Might! Incredible." Kaminari leans forward in his seat. They all knew All Might was going to be teaching at UA - besides being announced in this year's acceptance letters, it's been all over the news the last few days - but it hasn't really sunk in yet. "He's really gonna teach us...?"

"So he is a teacher!" The red-haired boy grins brightly, making a fist with one hand. "This year is gonna be totally awesome."

The frog girl, Asui, tilts her head to the side. "Look. Is he wearing his silver age costume?"

"I'm getting goosebumps. It's so retro!" The tailed boy comments.

Midoriya is practically beaming, looking almost ready to leap onto his own desk. "That is his silver age costume...!" He thinks he's whispering to himself, but he's so caught up it's more of a stage whisper, which catches him some looks from a few others - and a glare from Bakugo.

All Might poses dramatically, flexing his arms. "Welcome to the most important class at UA high! Think of it as hero-ing 101. Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! We're going to put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes." He drops his pose and his volume, but only slightly. "Naturally, it also gives a ton of credits. No time to dally now, let's get into it! Today's activity will pull no punches!" He reaches into a pocket and with another action pose, presents a small sign: "Battle training!"

Ryumi grins wildly, her wings spreading out behind her. "Hell yeah. About time."

Bakugo unknowingly matches her ferocious smile, though his eagerness comes off as a touch more unhinged. "Fight training."

"Real combat...?" Midoriya mumbles, a mix of excitement and worry on his face that's quickly becoming his signature after yesterday.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is... looking good!" All Might pokes at a remote from the podium and points dramatically as always toward the wall. "Yes, and for that... you need these!"


Several panels of the front left wall slide out to show a series of numbered cases. "These were designed for you based on the quirk registry and the special request forms you filled out before school started..." All Might begins, but he's cut off by a shouted collective guess from several of the students.

"Costumes! Yeahhhh!" They cheer.

Midoriya gets halfway out of his seat, almost starry-eyed. "Costumes...!"

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