Chapter 28: Training Camp

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When the morning rolls around, the whole class gathers for the first time since the pool day near the start of break. Two buses sit idling at the edge of campus, one for each class in the hero course, the sound of their engines not quite drowning out the incessant hum of cicadas. Vlad King and Aizawa are taking stock of their respective classes and loading up luggage while the students prepare to board and head out.

Aizawa turns to address his class as the last of them trickle in. "Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation. However, don't think this will be a restful time for you heroes in the making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become Plus Ultra."

"Yes, sensei." The group responds.

"I'm so psyched!" Ochaco says as she runs up to Midoriya. "I've been looking forward to this camp since they announced it, Deku!"

Midoriya panics, of course, turning bright red immediately as she enters his personal space. "Oh, yeah! It's definitely close, huh?" He leans back, and Ryumi wonders if he actually means the camp, or Ochaco herself.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She leans in again, sounding concerned.

"I'm just a little hot..." He awkwardly replies - it's not exactly convincing, as the weather is actually quite nice so far.

Ochaco doesn't seem to pick up on that, though. She looks confused for half a second, before panicking herself and backing away quickly to hide her own deep blush.

"Class A's bus is this way. Please line up in order!" Iida calls out to his classmates, making his signature chopping gesture at their bus. Things (temporarily) settle down then, as everyone lines up to deliver their luggage to Aizawa and then wait to board the bus.

"Beautiful day, huh!" Midoriya comments, apparently oblivious to the contradiction of his previous assessment of the weather. Maybe it's just that as he waits near the bus, shifting his backpack on his shoulder, most of the girls are still hanging back to hand off their suitcases.

And indeed, it is rather nice out. Reasonably warm and sunny even in the early morning hours. Of course, that means it'll be sweltering by the time late afternoon rolls around, but for now it is quite nice.

"Guess so." Shoto answers him with a yawn.

Ryumi prods his shoulder with her wing as she joins the crowd waiting to board. "Didn't sleep much?"

Shoto just shrugs, but truthfully she already knows they were both up fairly late. She had stopped texting him before she laid down, but it's hard to say how long he was awake after that.

The thought of the sports festival replays drifts through her mind again, but she angrily forces it away.

Mina bounces over to the other head of their class after dropping off her suitcase. "Thanks a lot for teaching us and stuff, Professorozu!"

"What she said!" Kaminari adds as he too approaches, flashing a grin and a thumbs up. "And how about another study party come winter term finals?"

Yaoyorozu smiles at the request, appearing perfectly humble, though she's clearly just as grateful to feel useful as they are for the help. "If you think I can be of assistance, then yes, certainly."

Jiro joins the group, elbowing Kaminari as she does. "Try cracking a book yourself next time."

"Ugh. Always kicking a guy when he's down..." He pouts, making a show of rubbing the spot where she'd nudged him.

Over in the group still waiting to hand over their bags, Tsu looks to Ochaco, just ahead of her in the line. "Packing light, Ochaco?"

She smiles proudly. "Yeah, nice and compact is what I was going for. Your bag's huge, Tsu!"

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