Chapter 23: Final Exams, part 1

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"Alright, that's it for class today." Aizawa announces, tapping a stack of papers on the podium to straighten them. "There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right? Don't forget to keep training too. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about." He pauses in the doorway, looking back over the class. "Good luck."

Kaminari waits only a couple seconds before leaping out of his seat in a panic. "I didn't study at all!"

Mina joins him with a sheepish chuckle. "I've barely even taken notes this semester..."

"Between the sports festival and the internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook. It totally slipped my mind!" Kaminari puts both hands on his head and messes with his hair. Oddly, no matter how it lands, the bolt-like black streak remains perfectly identifiable.

Mina paces the front of the room with him, still nervously laughing to herself.

"Indeed. It's true that we haven't had very much free time lately." Tokoyami admits, looking slightly embarrassed as well.

Sato strokes his chin thoughtfully. "Midterms were, well... We hadn't covered much since starting school, so they weren't all that tough."

Koda turns in his chair to listen to his neighbor, and nods his silent agreement.

"But I'm kinda worried about this one. We've been through a lot, and they probably won't pull any punches when it comes to testing us." Sato continues.

Midoriya leaves his seat and walks up to the two despairing at the front of the room. Ever cheerful, he has one fist raised in challenge. "Ashido, Kaminari! We've still got time to study! Let's try the best we can! It'd be great if we could all go to the training camp together, right?"

Iida leaps in beside him - a cloth brace has replaced the bandages on his injured arm. "Yes! As class president, I have high hopes that we'll make UA proud."

"Haven't you been attending class? How could you possibly fail? Just pay attention." Shoto sleepily adds, from a little farther back.

Ryumi hits his shoulder with her wing, startling him. "Don't be mean."

Kaminari leans forward clutching his chest and whining. "Yeah! Why you gotta cut me down like that? Words hurt, y'know!"

"Hey, don't worry about it you two." Yaoyorozu begins, somewhat shyly, her hands held close to her chest. "If it's academics you need help with, I could lend a hand. I can catch you up to speed on the important topics, if you want." Her gaze wanders during the offer, from the fretful pair up front, to the window beside her, to the floor, and back again.

Kaminari immediately rushes to her desk, practically begging. "Really? Please help me!"

"You're the best!" Mina cheers as she follows him to their apparent savior, grateful tears in her eyes.

A brief gloom passes over the vice president, and she mumbles to herself. "I'm afraid I won't be any help when it comes to the practical though..."

Shoto and Ryumi exchange glances a short distance from the forming crowd.

Jiro hovers over to Yaoyorozu's desk next, anxiously twirling one of her earjacks around a finger and clutching a notebook in her other hand. "I've been studying, so I'm not as bad off as them, but... could you help me out too? Quadratic functions are kind of tripping me up."

"Really...?" Yaoyorozu asks, with a cautious hope.

Sero approaches too, begging, his hands pressed together in front of him. "Tutor me too, please! You're good with kanji, right, Yaoyorozu? Classical Japanese is killing me!"

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