Chapter 31: Operation: Rescue Bakugo

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A short walk later they arrive at the train station. Yaoyorozu directs them onto the proper line based on the information from the tracker, and the six of them find seats on one of the later cars, a couple people picking up food or snacks along the way.

Yaoyorozu double checks the device one more time before slipping it into her purse. "All right, then. The coordinates on the tracker point to Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture. Specifically, Kamino Ward. It should be a two-hour trip from here in Nagano, so we'll arrive around ten o'clock tonight."

Midoriya shifts in his seat as the train starts moving. "So, um. Did anyone tell the others the details of this mission? Do they know what we're doing tonight?"

Shoto pops a piece of chicken into his mouth, quietly chewing before he answers. "Yeah. And they wasted time trying to talk us out of it."

Next to him, Ryumi is hungrily eyeing his food. He passes the chopsticks to her to share and her eyes light up.

Meanwhile Kirishima is munching an onigiri, sitting beside Midoriya. "Even Uraraka ganged up on us and tried to get us to change our minds."

"Uraraka? Really?" He seems shocked to hear that.

"Just to make sure. You know we're going against everyone's wishes and being completely selfish by doing this. We can still call this off, there's time." Shoto says as Ryumi passes his chopsticks back and he pops another piece of chicken into his mouth.

"Does it look like I wanna turn back? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't completely sure!" Kirishima stares at his own half-finished rice ball, then adds in a lower voice. "Bakugo wouldn't think twice about going after the villains if he were here."

Shoto eyes the other boy sitting across from him seriously, while Ryumi quietly nudges him in hopes of getting a bit more of his food. "What about you, Midoriya?" Reluctantly, he passes the chopsticks back to Ryumi.

"He's my friend." Midoriya asserts, though his voice wavers slightly. He clears his throat and tries again. "I refuse to turn back now."

Across the aisle, Iida and Yaoyorozu exchange concerned looks, though they remain silent.

"I see. Alright then." Shoto nods as he takes the chopsticks back again.


Two hours later, they're finally stepping off the train and into the busy nightlife of Kamino. If not for the sky above it might not even be clear that it's night, the streets are so packed with people and bathed in neon glows.

"So this is Kamino Ward." Midoriya says, eyes darting every which way, unable to focus on any one thing for long.

Shoto complains quietly as he stretches. "It's so crowded."

"Guess those jerks are hiding out somewhere around here." Kirishima says, looking over each face in the sea of people drifting by. "Just tell me where to go, Yaoyorozu!"

"Please, wait a moment!" At her word, Kirishima freezes in place. "From now on, we must exercise extreme caution. These criminals know our faces, remember? We have to consider that we could be attacked at any moment."

Midoriya takes a ninja pose, like something out of an anime. "Yeah, you're right! Stealth mode."

"You're standing out even more, Midoriya." Shoto says plainly.

Iida nods and puts a hand to his chin as he considers the options. "We won't be able to scout the neighborhood effectively if we're recognizable."

"'Kay, so what should we do?" Kirishima asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

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