Chapter 17: Interlude

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That same evening at UA, a familiar detective slides open the door to a small lounge set aside for private meetings. The sunset is visible out the large window, and the tall, gaunt figure that is All Might in his weakened state is already waiting on the couch. He pours two glasses of tea and pushes one across the low table for his guest. Tsukauchi removes his coat and hat, hanging them over the back of a chair opposite the number one hero, and takes a seat.

"I'm sorry to show up unexpectedly. Hope you don't mind." The detective bows his head apologetically.

All Might holds up a hand for him to relax. "Please, it's always a pleasure to see you, Tsukauchi." He pauses, glancing out the window. "This... isn't about young Arisato, is it?"

Tsukauchi looks surprised by the question. "Hm? No. Why do you ask?"

The hero picks up his tea, staring into the liquid. "No reason. I was just reading her file again the other day."

He nods slowly at that, seeming relieved. "As long as she's doing alright. And keeping quiet."

"I've never liked that decision, you know." The thin frame of the pro's shoulders shifts with a heavy sigh.

"It's the same reasoning that was behind hiding your injury, so you can't be too against it." The detective stops. Seeming to regret that line, he also sighs, a sadness taking over his features. "Sorry. I know it's different."

All Might takes a slow sip of his tea. "I just worry about what that does to the poor girl."

"We all do. But your hands are just as tied as mine there. All we can do is keep looking. And supporting her where we can." Tsukauchi takes his glass, but doesn't drink from it.

"Any leads?" He asks, his sunken eyes searching.

But Tsukauchi shakes his head. "None, as usual. Although..."

All Might leans forward. "The other investigation?"

The detective nods, leaving the tea and folding his hands, resting his elbows on his knees. "Right. Well, there were a number of villains who attacked the USJ. Most of them just small-time thugs, nothing to worry over - though seeing them band together in such numbers is odd. But one of them has us puzzled. The one you fought who they called 'Nomu'."

The pro hero nods along with the explanation, remembering. "Ah, that strong bird guy."

"We went ahead and ran some tests on Nomu's DNA. Since he's not very talkative." The detective continues.

All Might sips his tea again, though his eyes remain fixed on his guest. "And what exactly did you find?"

"First... don't worry. I'm not asking for your help with the case. Technically, this is a leak. But... I figured you had to know. Felt I owed it to you." His gaze sharpens as he stares directly at the hero across the table. "We're on the ringleader's trail."

All Might gasps softly and listens ever more intently.

"After several failed attempts at interrogation, it became clear... It's not just that Nomu doesn't speak - or rather, that he can't speak. He shows no reaction to anything. There's not a thought in his head. As though he literally can't think for himself - no matter what's going on around him. As for his identity..." Tsukauchi reaches for the coat on the back of his chair and pulls a photo from the pocket, laying it on the table. It's a mugshot showing a plain looking adult male with dirty blonde hair. "Turns out he's also just some petty criminal like the others - assault, extortion, a whole rap sheet. Or that's what he used to be."

The hero cocks an eyebrow at that phrasing. "Why do you think this will lead us to the mastermind behind the League?"

Tsukauchi takes a slow breath to refocus. "Here's where it gets interesting. Our reports show his whole body has been altered drastically with drugs and other chemicals. And when we analyzed his genetic makeup, we also discovered that he's got the DNA of at least four completely different people in him."

All Might puts a hand to his chin. "Someone combined people's DNA to make this guy." He sounds disturbed, worried by the thought. "Is he even still human...?"

"The transformation is a result of drugs and other unknown methods. Put simply, he's been bioengineered to tolerate multiple quirks. His extraordinarily low brain activity is probably a result of the burden that causes." Tsukauchi finally pauses for a drink. "But we're more concerned about his DNA. He shouldn't have more than one power. Even if new DNA's introduced, that shouldn't give a person multiple powers. Not unless it's completely integrated into someone's body, or there was some other transference factor at play. Most quirks don't work like One for All. But maybe... there's someone out there with the power to pass different quirks on to other people."

All Might grows increasingly concerned, standing with a slight gasp. "It can't be!"

Tsukauchi remains calm, having had plenty of time to process the news, bleak as it is. "Given the evidence, I think it's a reasonable conclusion. S'why I came. I had to let you know immediately."

The old pro walks to the window and stares out, faint smoke trails coming off his body as he unconsciously assumes his more familiar muscle form. His voice shifts as well - not just the normal change brought on by his transformation, either. The caution and worry from before replaced by righteous rage. "No. It's not possible. Don't tell me he's back again."

The detective frowns, sighing. "That's not even all. It's probably the most worrying part of the news, but..." He swirls his tea thoughtfully and drinks again. "Actually... maybe I was wrong to say this isn't about Arisato. We're still verifying, but the preliminary results show that one part of the drug cocktail that changed Nomu into what he is bears some similarities... to ideo trigger."

Though he remains in his muscle form, All Might seems to deflate. He sinks back into his seat, shoulders slumped and one hand held to his head. "The villain factory..." He picks up his tea and takes a long drink. "...We never do escape the past, do we?"

"It seems not." Tsukauchi answers with a sigh, finishing his own tea.

All Might shares in the sentiment, and downs the last of his drink as well. "You really know how to pile on the bad news."

Tsukauchi offers a sad smile to the hero. "Sorry, old friend."

He gets up to leave, taking his coat and hat, and reclaiming the photo from the table. All Might, meanwhile, remains on the couch for a long time, watching the sunlight die over the city skyline.

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