The Gods Demand Repentance - Patches

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At last, humanity's downfall is at the nigh!

Their extinction will not occur due to nuclear war, or their own hubris, or something stupid like extra terrestrial invasion. No, the earth shall not be 65 Million Years Ago'd, but rather... something else!

The doomsday of Mankind was to be birthed by the will of the gods... the very beings who were responsible for the creation of humans, who have now chosen to destroy them!

But... there are those who oppose the opposing calamity: the Valkyries. Brunhilde, the eldest of them, and Göll, the youngest

Göll: great... it's time, Brunhilde. Looks like the gods are awaiting us

Brunhilde nods and heads into the council room, all the gods in each Pantheon discussing their steps to destroying the human race, as well as what is to be done afterwards

Shiva rested on a large mattress, two of his arms in the back of his head while two supported his head in a bored expression, and a glow radiated from the Goddess Aphrodite, three gray toned, Tier 3 subs acting as her chair as two supported the weight of her chest

Hermes smiles faintly as he stood with his arms folded behind his back, his Grandpappy... oh sorry, FATHER, Zeus, cleared his throat

Zeus: well well, everyone! It has been many a millennia since we have gathered like this, no? Let the council of Valhalla commence

All the gods then perked up to Zeus's direction, the skeleton mob then holding onto a staff as he listened to the faint whisperings of the other deities

"How are we going to go through with this?"

"Humanity had it coming!"

"Mankind knew that they could not change society. So instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts"

Zeus: I have summoned you all from each corner of the world to decide on the fate of humanity. So let me ask this: should we allow mankind to flourish for another one thousand years, and forgive their crimes?

A machine then displayed a glowing check mark as a small hum came from it

Zeus: Or, should we wipe them out for eternity?

Another machine then displayed a glowing X as it made a disapproving noise, Hermes holding them up a little as he stayed still

Zeus: by the will of the gods, you have chosen

Shiva: over here...

Shiva held up two x marks, bored of the council meeting still as he laid on his back

Shiva: I say we finish off the wretched things. I watched them for a millennium, and I haven't caught any sign of them learning from their mistakes. Let's give them the old fire and brimstone

Aphrotittie: Shiva is right... everything is just as he says! As time goes on, the world becomes uglier and uglier... 

Aphrodite sighed

Aphrodite: the sea fills with trash, like JellyBean, as well as oil. The forests have all disappeared, and countless creatures have gone extinct. So if I may... mankind has fallen into chaos, and became a plague that will wipe out whatever remains on the planet

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