Adam is an Atheist

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Before the Ragnarok

In the Garden of Eden, there was only peace. Animals grazed together, forged by the hands of the Hebrew God, and it was a natural palace that served its inhabitants eloquently, so there was no need to want... thou shall not want

Near a riverbed, butterflies glided towards their next source of nectar, alongside a sight of predator and prey residing together without the fear of one harming the other. And on a large grizzly bear resided the first man; Adam, who was living comfortably while dining on only the finest of greens while playing Dark Souls III... but the peace wouldn't last eternally

Eve: n-no, I-I swear upon the Gods, I-I didn't eat the apple!

The words echoed across a vast courtroom, angels and other beings of power sitting in the corners of the hall while the Judges consisted of priest and such, and the jury was a variety of Gods. The Serpent then pointed at Eve, silencing the sniffling blonde as she clasped her hands together and shut her mouth. The Serpent had accused her of eating a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, which was a lie that can sentence the innocent first woman to death, but the truth would remain hidden

Serpent: objection! I saw you eating it with my two eyes!

Serpent: objection! I saw you eating it with my two eyes!

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Finna be honest I just wanted to share this meme

But the truth was... the Serpent attempted to help himself to Eve, a Maidenless act to get some bitches while his arms coiled around and groped her chest as nobody was there to stop him...

Well, not anyone human, that is

Two cockatiels then launched themselves at the Serpent, distracting the rapist with a flurry of pecks and wing slaps which allowed blondie to escape without getting someone's log shoved up her chimney, which also caused the Serpent to bump into the tree and make one of the Forbidden Fruit fall upon his cranium... so that means Newton wasn't the first what the FU-

Serpent: that bitch! Fucking with me like that... I'll show you who YOU'RE MESSING WITH!

The Serpent then sunk his teeth into the fruit, forging evidence for the fateful day that Eve would be put on trial. If he couldn't have Eve, then nobody could... meanwhile, Eve was still running, and the two cockatiels ensured her safety... while a tinge of yellow rested in their eyes

Serpent: take that! This is proof that she helped herself to the apple!

The forged evidence worked its magic, tricking the judges and jury into believing the Serpents lie was instead the truth. Eve could attempt to plead her case, but it would all be in vain. For in the courtroom, there were only higher beings. In the Court of Eden, the Land of the Gods, the chances of a human receiving a guilty verdict was 99.99999%...

"She ate what was forbidden?!"

"Stupid ass hoe! We gave her and the man instructions!"

"So um... she kinda thicc tho can I just have h-"

Lord of Frenzied Flame (Record of Ragnarok x OC)Where stories live. Discover now