Adam Vs Zeus (Pt 2)

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Some may think that the first below of Zeus would've been enough. After all, being the strongest Greek God should be something that ends battles in a heartbeat. The jab flew straight and true at Adam, the Human not moving an inch at all but in the span of one second... he leaned to the side and dodged the move

See, there was just one thing that the Gods forgot, or perhaps nobody knew except Adam's loved ones. Adam wasn't just the first Human; that title only shown how important he was to Humanity's beginning in the Christian Faith. He also learned some skills from Chaos, albeit with the latter being unaware of this tutoring. Adam wasn't just the first Human... he was...

The first Dark Souls Player

Millions of years ago...

Chaos died to Slave Knight Gael, probably for the tenth time today. This run as an Abyss Watcher wasn't a bad idea, but it kinda sucks that he was a bit under-leveled. He then put down his remote, going outside to take a small break while forgetting to close the door to his gaming room as another Primordial then stepped in

Ouranus: (he left his stuff on... I guess it wouldn't hurt to try out what he is playing)

The Primordial Sky then sits in Chaos's beanbag chair, helping himself to his mango moshi and grabbing the remote to his PlayStation... oh, it didn't have a number. Chaos made it himself and he adjusted it at least each year. All he knew is that it was the strongest console in the current day, and he only let a selected few play on it. Anyway, what boss was this?

Ouranus: Slave Knight Gael... what kinda name is that?

Ouranus fought against the boss, losing again and again as once he got to his 100th attempt of the day, he screamed and threw the remote to he ground. The machine shattered due to the strength of Ouranus, but his anger didn't stop there as he took out the disc, put it in the disc holder, and tossed it into the ground down to the earth. Fuck this game, fuck this boss, fuck whoever plays it that shit on people for playing the game the way they want

Ouranus: ugh... I can't... 

Chaos: can't what?

Ouranus: o-oh shit! I uh...

Chaos held a cup of coffee in his right hand, and a tea plate in his left. He then noticed the shattered remote on his carpeted floor, the wiring sticking out where it shouldn't and the joysticks not in their right place. Slowly blinking, he saw that his console was very much Dark Souls III-less, and put two and two together: this motherfucker just helped himself to his stuff and had the audacity to throw it away... he then took a sip of his coffee

Chaos: ... the game was hard, wasn't it. Not the best thing to play when you just finished healing. You and Gaia reconciled yet?

Ouranus: h-heh, yeah it is... and uh... no. I think Tartarus is with her now

Chaos: ah, I don't know who is the unlucky one

Both Primordials laughed, Ouranus putting a hand on Chaos's shoulder like an old friend while his wind aura seemed to gather around both of them. It was almost inviting, the way they seemed so joyous in their comfort. Chaos smiles and puts down his drink, resting it on the table nearby to check on the remote. He could just repair it right now, no big deal. Ouranus then decided to take his leave, bidding Chaos farewell as the Primordial Beginning smiles... and kicked Ouranus between the legs

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