Lü Bu Vs Thor (Pt 6)

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"W-what's this?!"

"Lü Bu is getting up!!"

Humanity cried Lü Bu's name as the warrior stood his ground and bared his fangs, glaring at Thor despite the pain in his broken legs. He was yet to finish this battle, and with a battle cry he stood up tall

Heimdall: h-he's back on his feet! T-this man is far from done!

Thor watched the scene, still gripping Mjölnir as his eyes then widened and a wide grin grew onto his face which then opened into excited laughter as Lü Bu used his halberd and leapt onto the back of the mighty horse, the Red Mare

Zhang Fei: HELL YEAH!! The two of them are meant to be in battle as one!

Liu Bei: hm... how do you feel, being a fellow rider of the Red Mare?

Guan Yu: ... heh. The back of the Red Mare... was meant only for Lü Bu

Lü Bu exhales, remembering when he witnessed a thunderbolt sliced a massive tree into two halves

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Lü Bu exhales, remembering when he witnessed a thunderbolt sliced a massive tree into two halves. He felt no fear in that moment, and his young mind was sure that up in the heavens... there was something amazing in there

Hermes: Lord Zeus, does this violate the restrictions of the battlefield?

Zeus: don't waste your time with such dribble, take a look. His ankles were stolen, and that horse is now an extension of the human's body

Lü Bu's hand gently ran down the Red Mare's neck, comforting his companion as his eyes looked at the horse with compassion. He knew he needed the steed more than anything now, and if he was to win... they must surely become one together

Lü bu: Red Mare, I ask you... in this moment, would you entrust your life to me?

The Red Mare looked back at its master, it's eyes seeming content with the question as it's case returned to Thor, who continued watching the moment as the horse's eyes then glared at the strongest Norse Deity with anger and a lust for revenge. With that, the sound of hooves echoed across the battlefield as the Red Mare charged forward to the God, earning the praise of Lü Bu's allies and the proud grin of Brünhilde, as well as the nervousness of Göll and a simple exhale from Chaos

Chaos: ...

Heimdall: with the Red Mare substituting his legs, Lü Bu is quickly closing the distance! His target is...?!

Chen Gong: oh...? OH! Milord has finally grasped the tip of the Sky Piercer!


Before Present Day

Lü Bu was a man that knew his own limitations, but even so... he continued to search for his weapon's limit. He would take a stance, let the power flow, and swing... only for the weapon to break at a certain point, only adding to the pile of sacrificed halberds that reached their limit. Nevertheless, Lü Bu continued to swing the weapon, a simplistic man that was like a maiden searching for love. He dreamed of the day he would engage his ultimate opponent, awaiting the day as years went by...

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