Lü Bu Vs Thor (Pt 3)

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I don't know where you all came from, but thanks, and enjoy this extra long chapter

Odin looked at the explosion as he was unshaken (wish the same could be same for his ravens, as they were holding on for dear life), but had to slant his remaining eye in order to look at the carnage. Heimdall was thrown into a wall due to the wind pressure while debris scattered everywhere

Göll started to cry as she slumped to the floor, sobbing as she thought it was hopeless and they had already lost

Göll: (s-so that's what a god can do... t-this was hopeless after all. Humans challenging immortals? R-ridiculous!)

Brünhilde: Göll, you need to get up

Göll: I-I can't! I-I can't stand to look anymore...

Brünhilde: open your eyes, sister. Watch closely, you'll want to see this historic moment between Humanity and the Gods!

As the dust cleared, Thor was seen recoiling as a massive gash crossed his chest to his waist, and blood instantly came pouring out from the opening as Lü Bu had an excited look in his eyes, his shark-toothed grin widening as he laughed in delight

Lü Bu: yo, thunder-head! You're not bad at all!

The crowd of Gods and Humans were amazed, the mortals cheering on the revelation of their barbarian wounding a God, while the immortals were shocked and in disbelief at the aspect of one of their kin being marked by a mere human

Forseti: what... what the?!

Shiva: yo... what the heck...!

Heimdall: b-blood is spraying from Thor's man titties! Lü Bu's... the strike... i-it has wounded Thor!

Chen Gong: (you see that, you Gods?! That is the power of my lord! That is LÜ BU! THE ULTIMATE HUMAN!)

Zeus and Odin were in disbelief, staring at the arena as their gaze didn't leave the bleeding Thor as the red haired champion staggered a bit while his wound bled

Chen Gong: (my lord's blade... can even devour the heavens!) hmph!

Thor's wound stopped nutting blood as he felt the wound, his hand being stained by his own life juice as he simply looked at it

"Thor's been wounded by a man?!"

"T-that is impossible!"


"T-this isn't funny anymore"

Lü Bu kept grinning at the scarred Thor, who was still looking at his bloodied hand while he still gripped Mjölnir. Thor's face had a look of surprise yet respect, angry at the human for wounding him, yet unable to not mumble praise at the warrior for doing what has never been done before

Chaos: ah... seems that they're thinking the same thing

Hermes: what do you mean?

Chaos: aww, asking me to explain~ they're thinking...

Lü Bu: (if you had been born at the same time and place...)

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