Lü Bu Vs Thor (Pt 2)

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Shiva: oy... ya know what, I kinda expected this

Chen Gong: (MY LORD!)

Forseti: what is going on in that human's head?! He is such a fearless blasphemer...!

Thor and Lü Bu continued to stare each other down, the ultimate warriors of both the gods and humans unwatered as neither even raised their weapon to each other. The tension in the air was intense, and the crowd was anticipating Thor to make the first attack. The humans muttered to themselves, wondering if Lü Bu had even the slimmest of chances to even hurt the supposing archon of thunder

Göll: H-Hilde, are you SURE about this guy?! He doesn't seem to have the slightest interest of taking Thor seriously!

Brünhilde: (so, this is the way of the Ultimate Warrior... is it?)

Thor and Lü Bu, one a god, and one a man. Born and raised under different circumstan- no. No no no... they are not even of the same species. But if there is even one thing that the opposers had in common... both have always slain their enemies...

With just one, single strike

Lü Bu then lifted his halberd, gaining momentum with one hand as he brought it down at Thor, who blocked it using the durability of Mjölnir. Lü Bu was surprised as he bounced back from the god, giving himself distance from the weapon as he then leapt into the air, holding the staff of his blade with both hands as he brought it down at Thor, the deity then smashing his hammer into the barbarian who deflected the blow and leapt to the side

Chaos: oh~ they've charged across thousands of battlefields... slain thousands upon thousands of enemies

Thor then swung his weapon again, Lü Bu preparing himself as he then locked his halberd with Mjölnir, his strength helping him maintain his footing while Thor pushed forward with his massive hammer. The ground was the one to suffer, for it started to crack and shatter under the force of both man and god struggling against each other

Chaos: but facing an opponent who can deflect their first attack... haha, it must be such a new feeling for them~

Heimdall: t-they are equals! I-it's an even match for both parties! Gods and humans, what an unexpected turn of events!


"Go! Lü Bu!"

"Grab his dick and twi-"

"Do NOT start that shit again!"

Zeus: oh ho ho!! Not bad... for a mere mortal. But "equals"? Hah! Only in the most extreme of fever dreams...

Zeus's right, void-like eye then had its iris appear, the small yellow circle glowing as a shaky grin then grew on the allfather's face

Zeus: of those that have never seen Thor at his peak!

The two fighters kept trading blows; neither was able to hurt the other as their weapons kept colliding, and their strength truly was matching

Brünhilde: so, what do you think, Chaos?

Chaos: hm... I will visit the God side. One moment

Göll: h-hey, you can't just go and hop around side to side!

Chaos's eyes then turned pure black, his iris burning into the breath of a yellow and red flame as he leaned down to look the youngest Valkyrie in the eyes

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