G.F.O.C (God's Fecal Matter)

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Heimdall: well folks, it's about that time! The ring is all nice and clean, and this time it isn't shattered by some dumb blonde! Alrighty everyone, who is eager for Round 2?!

The crowd roared with excitement, the Gods out-voicing Humanity while on the human side, tensions were high as the first fight was seen as a omen of their downside. Brünhilde folded her arms, watching the arena as Göll stationed herself on the side of her older sister while Chaos was starting to arrive, the male and female cockatiels still on his shoulders as he was mumbling something about

Brünhilde: Chaos, you are la-

Chaos: shhhhhhhhhhh!

Brünhilde was puzzled as Göll looked at Chaos and noticed he had his phone to his ear. Who would he even be talking to on the other side, and who would be insane enough to have a pleasant conversation with this man? Then again... it's 2023 so Chaos could be anything in this day and age... don't cancel me

Chaos: mhm, mhm... yes, but I- ... okay, yes I am eating properly, and I haven't killed anyone of major importance...

Brünhilde: (oh, fuck Baldur I guess)

Chaos: oh, but this fight is about to happen, so I'll call you later. Peace

Chaos then hung up his phone as some audio was cut off; the voice of a woman. Heimdall was still hyping up the crowd for the next battle as he then started to describe the fighter/representative of Humanity, animals then coming out of nowhere as they stampeded through the arena while a large pillar was erected... from a spot in the ground while the various beasts surrounded it

Heimdall: who coulda seen it coming?! God blessed these creatures and spouted "Be fruitful and multiply! Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground!"

Chaos then made a King James Bible appear in his hand as glasses then manifested onto his face. Wouldn't hurt to check if Heimdall was right or speaking out of his ass, but it wasn't like God was too happy with Chaos holding his book, since those two hated each other as God represented Order and Chaos was the embodiment of... yeah

Chaos: ... yeah, Heimdall did a summary...

The book then burned away in flames of multiple colors, the two cockatiels on his shoulders disappearing as well while the human on the top of the pillar was laying in a position that reached out to Humanity's side

Heimdall: but to think... the day would come that the man would rebel against his creator!

The Human Fighter then leapt down from the podium, his fist smashing into the ground and creating a small pillar whilst the animals simply gathered and looked at him, and the construction team was pissed off since they just finished repairing the arena and it was already dented

Heimdall: defining the very essence of a "man". Truly... he is a man among men!

"No way... it's HIM!"

"Damn why he so white? Shouldn't he be a bit darker toned?"

"You really want this book to get Twittered, don't you"

Heimdall: the only thing he holds faith in... is the weight of his fists! He is the Ultimate Survivalist!

Chaos: so he belongs in Danganronpa...

Heimdall: with a knack for unarmed combat!

Chaos: oh~ so now he's a Souls boss... where's the healthbar?

Göll: i-is that LEAF over his crotch?

Chaos: Göll, you're not even old enough to be looking there

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