Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - Part 1

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As Draco gracefully exited the Floo and entered the Leaky Cauldron he silently exalted in the blessed sameness of the wretched place. It had been almost two years since his last visit but it was still as dingy and disgusting as he remembered, a place he would never be caught dead in if it weren't the most convenient route to Diagon Alley. It was a miserable place but it didn't change. That was something. That was important.

Despite his realization that the pureblood dogma preached by Voldemort and his father was rubbish he still wholly embraced the history and tradition that let it fester. He no longer thought he was automatically superior to the mud-, muggleborn, but he damn sure appreciated having a leg up on them in society and despite what Potter and Daphne had accomplished he still had that advantage with some of the remaining idiots in charge. And he was still miles better than the muggles. That was just an objective fact. He had magic and they didn't.

His expulsion from Hogwarts had been embarrassing and humiliating but he knew it was justified. But he was a Malfoy. Malfoys didn't wallow in self-pity and remorse. They survived during the lean times and then flourished once again after the dust had cleared. His stellar academic record and behavior at Durmstrang during his final year of studies allowed him to regroup and reassess what he truly believed in. His additional year abroad after Daphne's revelation about Voldemort's defeat provided even more distance from the horrible mistakes he had and had almost made.

The time to merely survive was now at an end and it was time to start taking baby steps to flourishing once again. Potter's qualified acceptance of his apology had gone a long way to convincing him the time was right to resume public life in England and today was the day. Who knew sincere remorse and humility disbursed in controlled bursts could be so cathartic and rewarding? He wished his father could have learned that lesson but it was too late. His lifetime sentence in Azkaban had seen to that.

His mother had offered to accompany him on his impromptu shopping trip but he had adamantly refused. The days of riding on his parents' coattails were truly at an end. He was the head of his family now and needed to start acting like it.

The looks of disgust he garnered as he made his way to Flourish and Blotts were expected but he was used to that. He and his family had received their fair share of those throughout his childhood and, unlike then, he honestly knew he deserved it. If Potter could suffer through such things and come out the other end then surely he could as well. He knew he would never win everyone over but he was certain he could change many people's minds. He was only nineteen and had plenty of time. He was a Malfoy and Malfoys did not fail.

As he was perusing the 'Muggle History' section of the bookstore one of the voices he had missed the most during his self-imposed exile echoed behind him. He'd missed his first chance with her and righting that wrong would go a long way to start flourishing once again.

"Draco," Astoria Greengrass called out, "you're back!" His heart warmed as he could tell by her tone that she was happy to see him again.

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