The Spectacular Now - Part 1

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Wednesday, July 30, 8:00 PM

After five minutes spent at the Burrow Daphne had realized it was exactly as Harry had described...the polar opposite of her own home and the Longbottom residence. She could also see why he was so fond of the place. It was much louder and much less organized in all the best ways. Astoria would love it.

She had been a bit worried about the reception she would receive, particularly from Molly Weasley. Despite Harry's assurances, Daphne's house affiliation and her daughter's affection for Harry were just a couple of the things she was worried would put her on the matriarch's wrong side. She shuddered as she recalled the numerous Howlers she had heard from the woman in the Great Hall over the years.

To her utter shock the exact opposite had happened as Mrs. Weasley had quickly wrapped her in a fierce hug that had caused Daphne to stiffen in shock. She was then quickly introduced to the various happy and harried Weasleys and Delacours that were readying for the upcoming nuptials. Strangely enough Ginny was nowhere to be found.

The only person who seemed to show any hostility toward her was Fleur's sister. She suspected the animosity was entirely Harry related and made sure to keep an eye on her for the duration of the evening. The girl's open staring at Harry throughout the meal confirmed her suspicions.

Based on her otherworldly beauty and what Harry had explained she pegged Gabrielle as quarter-Veela. She wasn't sure if quarter-Veela could transform if angered and did not want to find out. Daphne felt foolish for being a bit intimidated by an eleven year old.

Dinner had been a harried and enjoyable affair. She suspected the Delacours had exhausted most of their curious questions for Harry before she had arrived as they had avoided mentioning his celebrity or his recent conquest while she was there.

The Weasleys also seemed thoroughly uninterested in knowing what Harry had done, opting instead to tease and joke with him as if he was one of the family. Her particular favorite was George (or was it Fred?) asking Harry if he would vanquish him in his sleep for taking the last piece of treacle tart. The Delacours looked mortified until Harry jokingly allowed his minion to enjoy the confection...this time.

She remained mostly silent, simply enjoying the opportunity to see Harry so happy and relaxed...for the most part being able to sink into the background. She was able to stay by his side most of the evening until Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had asked to speak to him privately. This was her opportunity to put the final piece in place for Operation: Birthday.

She leaned toward Hermione and spoke. "I need to speak to you for a moment in private," she whispered, discreetly pulling her toward the door.

Once they were safely ensconced outside she quickly cast Muffliato, causing Hermione's eyebrows to rise in interest.

"Are you staying here tonight?" she asked hopefully.

"No," Hermione replied. "I've been here the last few days but thought it would be best to head home before the wedding on less girl hogging the bathroom to get ready."

Daphne silently celebrated.

"Harry and I are going out tomorrow night for his birthday," she began.

"I know this," Hermione replied, clearly intrigued as to where Daphne was going with this.

"I told my parents I'd be spending the night with you afterward so we could get ready together for the wedding the next day," she continued.

"Okay," Hermione replied cautiously. "It isn't a problem but I wish you had said something sooner so I could have let my parents know."

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