Mission: Impossible - Part 1

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Daphne was grateful for Madam Pomfrey providing the treacle tart and butterbeer. Without the distraction of the food and drink she wasn't sure she could resist the urge to attack Harry once again while they waited for her parents to arrive. Based on the slightly feral look on Harry's face as he dug into the dessert he felt the same way which made it infinitely more difficult.

She had always prided herself on her ability to control her emotions and impulses over the years but that was before encountering Hurricane Potter. She knew she should stop gazing at his eyes...his eyes were her undoing. It was stupid and shallow and it angered her on some level that she could be so affected by something as superficial as someone's eyes. But as she ate the dessert she was utterly helpless. She ate and she gazed.

"Your smile is so pretty," Harry stated awkwardly between bites as he gazed into her eyes.

She momentarily lost herself and subconsciously started inching forward. As she came ever closer she snapped back to her senses, quickly sitting back and levelling him with her best glare. "I refuse to get caught by my parents snogging you so you need to stop saying things like that."

"Sorry," he immediately replied. The easy smile on his face suggested that he wasn't apologetic in the least and it only made her want to kiss him more. Where were her bloody parents? They needed to get here so they could leave as soon as possible.

As if on cue she heard the Hospital Wing doors opening and turned to see her family as well as two very excited house elves quickly bustling into the room. She was unsurprised when her sister broke into a sprint and quickly wrapped her in a fierce hug. It was slightly painful in its intensity and once again she was reminded how much Astoria and Harry were alike. Astoria had always done her best to dutifully follow her lessons on pureblood comportment but when it came to some things...the important things...those lessons were tossed into the rubbish bin and her emotions were unapologetically worn on her sleeve.

"Are you okay?" she asked urgently. "The headmaster said you were fine but are you?"

"I'm fine Tori," she reassured soothingly, wanting to calm her sister's nerves as quickly and efficiently as possible. Emotional stress wasn't good for her. "Harry too."

"I'm sorry," Astoria said as she gripped her tighter. "I'm sorry for always getting mad at you for worrying about me...I get it now. The last few hours have been awful."

Daphne laughed and pulled back to look her sister in the eyes. "It's alright...if you didn't tell me off from time to time I'd be even more worried."

As she watched her sister smile and wipe her face clean of tears she realized the room was oddly quiet and turned to see all eyes were on them. Harry in particular had an odd look of longing on his face as he looked on.

In a flash Astoria had loosened her grip and quickly pounced on Harry. "I can't believe I said you were boring!" she exclaimed as she latched on to him.

It was clear that Astoria had taken Harry by surprise. Daphne laughed as she watched Harry awkwardly put his arms around her sister. "It's okay, I could go for some boring right about now."

"Well then you need to come to our house this summer," Astoria replied as she stood back up.

"It's like living in a library," she said in mock disgust. "You were only there for a few hours...you have no idea how boring of a place it is."

"Ignoring the insult about my home that is an excellent idea, Tori," her mother joined in. "Perhaps you can come and stay for a bit this summer? We'll need to check with your family first as I'm sure they've missed you," she said warmly.

Her mother immediately recognized the discomfort on Harry's face. "Did I say something wrong?"

The one topic she had purposely avoided regarding Harry was his relatives' shoddy treatment as it wasn't her place to share. When she warned her family about Harry's horrible clothing she had simply lied and said his muggle family was poor and Harry did not have access to his inheritance yet.

Daphne quickly jumped in, hoping to save Harry the embarrassment. "Harry's just a bit out of sorts from tonight, Mum. We can-"

"It's all right Daphne," Harry interrupted, turning his gaze back to her mother. "My relatives and I don't get on well. My Aunt and Uncle hate magic and have never really liked me. I can come whenever...they won't care."

Daphne watched her mother's expression morph from confusion to barely contained fury. Eventually her eyes softened and she took the empty seat next to Harry's bedside and placed a hand on his arm.

"We were curious why you hadn't written them a letter...it all makes sense now," she softly replied.

"They aren't violent or anything. It's just...I don't like talking about it," was all Harry could manage before trailing off.

The uncomfortable silence was broken by her father.

"Winky, when we return home I'd like you to prepare one of our guest rooms for Harry. He'll be coming home with us once term ends.

The elf's eyes lit up in surprise and joy, turning to Harry. "Is Master Potter wanting to stay with Greenys?"

"Yeah...yeah...that would be great."

"Winky be going now!" she nearly shouted before popping out of sight.

"Or you could just get started now," her father joked, staring bemusedly where the elf had disappeared.

Eventually the family took seats around Harry's bed and Daphne noticed that Dobby had stayed back. She felt bad she had not seen him earlier in the evening and would not let it happen again. "Have a seat Dobby," she said as she waved him over.

Dobby seemed to be vibrating as he did his best to contain his excitement and nervousness and took the offered seat. "All right there, Dobby?" Harry asked.

"Miss Greeny is a great witch," he said quietly.

"I've seen better," Astoria commented with a grin.

"Hermione Granger very good too," Dobby replied with an affirming nod.

"I'm afraid you've missed the point Dobby," Astoria said as she patted his shoulder. "But since you helped these two so much I'll let it go this time."

"Thank you Other Miss Greeny," the elf answered sincerely.

"Uhhh...you're welcome," Astoria replied, utterly confused.

"I'm afraid Dobby doesn't understand your humor dear," her mother helpfully replied.

"He's not the only one," Daphne replied, drawing a laugh from Harry.

She grabbed his hand and squeezed. He was safe. He was safe and coming home with her at the end of term. It had been a really good day.

Thirty minutes later Madam Pomfrey politely reminded her family that they needed their rest and Daphne and Harry were alone once again. Before she could pounce on Harry again another visitor arrived.

"Hello Professor," Harry greeted as she turned around to see Flitwick approaching.

"I will not stay long as I know you need your rest and I do my best to remain on Madam Pomfrey's good side," he said with a chuckle. "The Headmaster stopped by and told me Mr. Potter had a bit of an accident tonight. I just wanted to confirm for myself that you were fine."

Daphne smiled. "Never better."

He nodded and smiled...relief evident on his face. "We didn't chat long as he mentioned there had been a significant positive development in the war and needed to go to the Ministry. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

"I'm not at liberty to say, professor," Daphne replied, beaming.

Relief turned to pride as he nodded his head and made to leave. As he began walking away Harry spoke.

"Thank you professor...for all the help you've given Daphne. You've no idea."

Flitwick smiled. "I typically do not share this sort of thing with students but your mother's seventh year project has always been my favorite to be a part of." He turned his gaze to Daphne. "I believe I now have a new favorite."

The Importance of Intent: After the CreditsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu