The Spectacular Now - Part 3

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Thursday, July 31, 9:30 PM

Daphne stood in front of the mirror and nervously appraised her appearance for what felt like the thousandth time. But no matter how many times she confirmed everything was in its proper place...that every protective charm she knew had been properly cast...her feet stubbornly refused to move.

She could hear Astoria's voice in her head. "You are worrying too much again. Stop being an idiot and get down to business," it was practically shouting. She knew the voice was right...yet still her feet held firm.

Daphne was broken out of her reverie by the appearance of Harry's Patronus galloping to her side. She watched as the stag's mouth opened and inexplicably began speaking in Harry's voice.

"It's fine if you've changed your mind and aren't ready but could you please come back in here? I'm starting to lose my mind. By the way...last week Dumbledore showed me how to send messages using a Patronus."

She smiled to herself and reached out to touch the stag, soaking in its now familiar warmth before it disappeared from sight. Her feet instantly moved toward the door.

As she stepped through the threshold she saw Harry sitting on the bed, his own worried expression morphing into one of adoration and awe. She felt so stupid for being hesitant. She belonged to him...he belonged to her...checkers not chess.

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing this," she said quietly as she made her way slowly over to the bed. "I did promise I would wear your jersey..."

Based on Harry's expression he seemed fine with it. "I've got more...practice jerseys can have them all," he stated reverently, never taking his eyes off of her.

His words vanished any remaining fear, replacing it with excitement and anticipation. She couldn't wait. She was ready. They were a team and she couldn't wait.

"I love you so much, Daph," Harry whispered as she stood in front of him and slowly pulled the jersey over her head.

"Happy Birthday," she replied softly, ready for whatever the rest of the night had in store.

Friday, August, 1, 1997, 10:00 AM

Tracey Davis slowly sat up and stretched languorously, reveling in the warm sunlight cascading into her room. Her holiday had been fantastic and she never wanted it to end. The weather had been perfect, the Meditarranean Sea had been crystal clear and she hadn't worried one jot about dark wizards or pureblood idiots ruining her family's life. Her parents had actually warned her a few months prior that their holiday plans may have to be cancelled due to Voldemort's return...but that nonsense was all over now. She made a mental note to thank Harry once again when she saw him next week.

Her musings were interrupted by the sound of insistent pecking at her window. A beautiful snowy owl, Harry's owl, was impatiently waiting to be let in the room. She quickly opened the window and untied the letter from the owl's leg.

"I don't have any treats for you...umm...Edward is it?"

That was apparently the incorrect name as the owl clicked its beak disapprovingly before flying back out the window.

"Sorry!" she called as she watched the owl disappear into the horizon. She quickly turned her attention to the letter, laughing out loud as she read its contents.

Dear Tracey,

Last night Harry and I basked. We basked three times and once again this morning.



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