Three Amigos - Part 2

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Harry's private meeting with the headmaster was mercifully brief but based on his solemn expression afterward it was clear that Harry had been affected. They had quickly come up with a plan for the safekeeping of the hallows as they walked to the village but had remained relatively quiet since then. Although she understood the necessity it frustrated her to no end that Dumbledore had once again spoiled an outing with Harry thanks to his truly horrific timing.

It wasn't until their food had been served that Harry discreetly cast Muffliato and began speaking.

"I hate having to wear these disguises," he said sullenly.

"Me too," she agreed, thankful that Harry was talking again. "But Dumbledore was right...better to be safe than sorry."

She watched as Harry nodded his head and resumed staring at his food.

"I was right about Draco," he eventually began. "Voldemort tasked him with killing Dumbledore, fully expecting him to fail. It was his father's punishment for failing to get the prophecy. The things that happened to Ron and Katie were meant for the headmaster. Snape and Dumbledore knew and were trying to reform him."

"You can't be serious," Daphne said in astonishment. The people...the children that they had put at risk. It was astonishing.

"It gets worse," Harry said before continuing.

"Dumbledore knew he was dying and wanted to use the situation to convince Voldemort that Snape was truly loyal to him and not Dumbledore. Snape took an unbreakable vow to kill Dumbledore if Draco failed."

"Unbelievable," she said, shaking her head.

"There's more," Harry said as he took another bite. "Technically Draco did fail so if Dumbledore dies because of the curse-"

"Snape will die," Daphne gasped in recognition.

"Right in one," Harry affirmed before letting loose with a dark chuckle.

"He is going to have Snape cast Avada Kedavra on him so the vow is fulfilled and he wants to have a witness in case anyone suspects foul play. Who better to have as a witness than the hero that just vanquished Voldemort?"

"No!" she nearly shouted. "It's too much!"


"After everything he has done to you. What is he playing at?" She could feel her anger boiling to the surface and closed her eyes.

She felt Harry's hand on her arm. "It wasn't Dumbledore's was Snape's. He said if it was anyone else that he would refuse to go through with it and would risk dying...that I was the only one he trusted."

She opened her eyes and looked at Harry. Even with the disguise she recognized that sad smile.

"How? Why?" was all she could manage to get out.

"Hell if I know," Harry laughed. "Take a guess when they wanted to do it," he asked.

They couldn't. They wouldn't. "Your birthday?"

"You got it," he confirmed, shaking his head in disbelief. "I told them I had plans on my birthday that could not be changed and I didn't think Fleur and Bill would appreciate having their wedding ruined by everyone grieving. Dumbledore agreed and is going to talk to's going to be on the third now."

"I want to tell them both about our plan as long as you agree," Harry continued.

"Okay...but make Snape take an oath," she said testily. "It's the least he can do after what you are agreeing to. You're really okay with this?"

"I am," he answered immediately. "The only family he has left is a brother and apparently they don't get on well. If it were me I would want a friend there at the end."

Her heart swelled. She knew they had only known each other for six months...had only been dating for three...but that didn't matter. She knew when Harry died he would be surrounded by family...hopefully their family. History would NOT be repeating itself.

The remainder of the meal was thankfully Dumbledore and Hallows free. As they strolled arm in arm through the quiet village Daphne spoke.

"So tomorrow we check on the house, go to Gringotts and talk to Hermione. Do you think she'll want to know?"

Harry snorted. "Is that a trick question? Of course she'll want to know. It's Hermione." He stated it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "If she doesn't I'm going to check her for Polyjuice."

She snorted and leaned in closer, giving Harry's arm a squeeze. "I've changed my's not okay for you to go stay with the Weasleys. It's not safe and I'll miss you."

"There are only a few death eaters left and they've already reinforced the wards for the wedding. And it's only for a few days...I'll see you at Neville's party and we'll be together all day on my birthday."

"When did you become the logical one?" she pouted.

"Blame my girlfriend...she constantly expects me to think and be smart about things. It's a bit of a drag actually."

"She sounds lovely. You are very lucky to have her."

Harry hummed in agreement. "She's pretty too. She has the nicest pair of-"

"Harry!" she squawked, slapping him playfully on the chest.

"Speaking of my girlfriend, I'm tired of not getting to see her pretty face. Ready to go?"

Instead of answering she pulled him into a nearby alleyway and kissed him fiercely. "Ready," she said in a whisper before trailing kisses down his neck.

"Six days," Harry grunted in frustration as they apparated away.

The Importance of Intent: After the CreditsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora