The Family Stone - Part 2

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Two hours later the pair were situated at a kitchen table in the London suburb of Heathgate, seated across from a very skeptical Hermione Granger.

"So this stone is one of the most powerful magical artifacts in existence," she began, processing what they had shared.

"Yes," Harry replied.

"And you'd like me to hide it somewhere and not tell you or anyone else it's location."

"Yes," he repeated.

"Because it would be too tempting for you to use if you knew where it was located."

"Still correct," Harry smirked.

"And you are giving me the option of knowing what the stone does or remaining blissfully ignorant."

Harry nodded and waited.

"And you actually thought I wouldn't want to know?" she asked disbelievingly.

Harry chuckled. "Daphne thought it would be best to give you the option before you immediately shot it down."

"Remember, there is a reason Harry doesn't trust himself with the stone," Daphne interjected. "Are you absolutely sure you want to know and risk being tempted?"

For her efforts Daphne was met with the annoyed expression Hermione normally reserved for Ron and Harry.

"Tell me everything. Now," she demanded, her glare in full force.

Daphne smiled and pulled a book out of her bag "Have you ever heard of Beedle the Bard?" Daphne asked.

Thirty minutes later they had explained the Hallows to their fascinated audience and Harry was explaining their strategy going forward.

"So I'm keeping the cloak with me, the Elder Wand is now in the Greengrass vault until I can move it to the Potter vault after my birthday, and we'd like you to secure the stone," he concluded.

Hermione stared indignantly at Harry. Clearly she felt he was not done explaining.

"I suppose you are waiting to hear the logic behind each choice?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Hermione leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. She attempted to maintain her glare but a small smile stubbornly broke through.

"Fine," Harry murmured, "just don't try to talk us out of it."

"I'm keeping the cloak close because I'm used to having it and it can aid in a quick escape from danger or scouting out locations. I'm keeping the wand in my vault because I want nothing to do with it so I won't be tempted to use it. If another threat arises it would be good to have the most powerful wand in existence on reserve."

Daphne smiled to herself watching Hermione's expression change as she processed the information and realized the logic was sound.

"And the stone?"

"It's too tempting for me to keep and I'm too close to Daphne's family now to leave it with them. I'd figure out a way to get it if I really wanted to."

They had agreed not to share the real reason Daphne and her family weren't the best choice...that their temptation would be growing exponentially in a decade or two.

"And you chose me because?" Hermione prompted.

"Your parents and grandparents are alive and in good health so there is no immediate risk of you wanting to use it. Even if that weren't the case you would still be the best choice because you are so logical and recognize that the risk is not worth the reward. We thought you could hide it safely in a muggle location. Even if someone determined the stone was real they would never suspect it would be hidden in the muggle world."

"What happens when someone close to me does die?" Hermione asked. "Human emotion can overcome the strongest of logic. Just look at Dumbledore as proof."

"When that happens the three of us will talk and be honest with each other," Daphne replied. "If we think the temptation is too much for any of us we will destroy it. It would be a shame to destroy such an amazing piece of magic but you and your state of mind are much more important."

"Besides, the myth of Dumbledore has been highly exaggerated," Harry interjected, frustration evident in his voice. "You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for...stronger than me for sure and stronger than Dumbledore...Daphne and I both think so."

Harry's eyes fell on the stone, pausing to gather his thoughts before continuing. "Dumbledore's way...keeping all the secrets to himself as much as possible...doesn't work...and I can't do it. You need to trust people...the right people. We trust you."

In a flash Hermione bolted from her chair and engulfed Harry in a fierce hug. "I'll do it," she murmured into his shoulder.

She couldn't see her face but Daphne could tell Hermione was crying. Once again she was reminded of the fierce loyalty Harry instilled in those close to him. She could hear Hermione start speaking to Harry quietly but could not make out the words. She watched as Harry whispered something, drawing a nod and a smile from Hermione.

"I know exactly the place to keep this," Hermione said as she sat back down and wiped at her face, placing the bag containing the stone in her pocket. "I can take care of it today. I'll need to work out some wards to put in place so only the three of us will be able to even know it is there...maybe a modified version of the Fidelius...and the standard Repelling charms as well, obviously."


"The muggle place I have in mind will allow for privacy so I won't even raise suspicion using my wand-"

"Hermione!" Harry interjected more forcefully, "it's okay, we trust you."

"Right," Hermione replied, slightly embarrassed. "I might need to run a few ideas for protection by Daphne but it will be safe."

"No problem," Daphne replied honestly.

Harry cleared his throat to get their attention. "I thought you might want to see this, Hermione," he stated as he pulled the newfound photograph from his pocket and handed it to his friend.

"Oh, Harry..."

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