Step Brothers - Part 4

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Harry's expression hardened immediately as he spotted his cousin. "Hello Dudley," he greeted, all traces of emotion now gone from his voice, "your parents said you wouldn't be here."

"Plans fell through," Dudley answered simply.

"Well we're off," Harry continued. You ready Daphne?"

She made her way over to Harry and quickly grabbed his hand. "Goodbye," she replied as they headed out.

As Harry opened the door to leave they were stopped.

"Wait!" Dudley pleaded as he quickly bounded into the room. "Your girlfriend said you wouldn't be coming back...that you took care of the bloke causing all the problems."

"Yeah, we took care of him," he replied as he cast her a sidelong glance. "And I won't be back."

Dudley nodded, once again looking pensive. " ten years or so...if you want...we could meet to catch up. Just you and me...not my parents."

Harry looked stunned. He had braced for an insult and had received the exact opposite.

"Maybe," he finally replied. It was clear to Daphne it was the best he could offer.

She watched as Harry became visibly uncomfortable. "Look...I made an offer to your dad but he wouldn't listen. I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered before trailing off.

She watched as he pulled out the football from his bag and handed it to Dudley. "The main guy is dead but there are a few of his followers still out there looking for revenge so you lot could still be in danger."

"This," he continued as he pointed at the football, "is what we call a portkey. If any dodgy folks ever show up and you think you are in trouble this can magically transport you to safety. Just make sure you are all touching it and say "Harry" and you'll be transported to a safe place.

"Really?" he asked in wonder. "All I have to say is "Ha-"

"Don't say it while you are touching it!" Harry interrupted.

"Right," Dudley replied in embarrassment, carefully placing the ball on a nearby table. "Sorry."

Harry continued. "If they catch you by surprise and you can't get to it in time just tell them about the ball. Tell them it's a portkey that was set up so you could escape to where I am. Hopefully they'll be dumb enough to use it instead."

"You want me to send them your way?" Dudley asked disbelievingly.

"The portkey will transport them directly to a prison cell where magic can't be performed," Daphne interjected. "They will be trapped with no way to escape."

"Wow," he replied dumbly. "Okay."

"There is one more thing," Harry continued. "The last few summers I've had people secretly guarding me when I've stayed here. They've offered to keep watching the house through the end of summer to protect you and your parents but Vernon refused. If you want I can ask them to stay...just don't tell your dad. They don't deserve to be harassed for doing a nice thing."

"Yeah...sure," Dudley answered, furiously processing everything they had shared. "Do you really think we're in danger?"

"No," Harry answered simply, "It's merely a precaution. I think my friend Tonks is on duty right now...I'll let her know you'd like them to stay."

"Thanks Harry," Dudley offered.

"Sure thing," Harry replied clinically. "I'll be right back Daph," he said before quickly going outside to find Tonks.

After several moments of silence Dudley spoke. "I can see if we still have any old pictures of Harry when he was younger. There is a park down the street...maybe we could meet there next noon...and I can give you what I find?"

For the first time since going through the barrier at King's Cross Daphne smiled, heartened by the fact that one of Harry's horrible relatives had shown a bit of remorse...a bit of humanity. "That would be great. Thank you"

"We're all set," Harry said as he returned. "Bye Dudley," he spit out as he grabbed her hand once again and began walking down the drive.

"Goodbye," she heard Dudley say as Harry quickened his pace down the street.

As the park once again came into view she spoke. "Well he wasn't too horrible," she offered. "A bit dim but not horrible."

Harry chuckled. "Only took him sixteen years. Better late than never, I suppose. Did you keep your promise?"

"I did," she replied warmly as they discreetly ducked behind a cluster of bushes, preparing to apparate.

"Ready to go home?" she asked as she wrapped him in a hug. Technically minimal contact was necessary for dual apparition but this was much more preferable.

"You have no idea," he replied, the emotion clear in his voice.

Daphne planned on placing Harry's picture on the table next to her bed as soon as they arrived home.

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