Meet the Fockers - Part 2

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After the perfunctory goodbyes with Hermione and Ron (including Ron's gloating reminder to Harry, again, that he and Hermione were apparating home because they had their license) Daphne quickly spotted her parents.

Her heart swelled when she realized they were wearing their most exceedingly normal muggle clothes in solidarity with Harry. Six months ago they would have never even considered "going muggle" in an area so rife with wizards for any reason. It was Daphne's guess that this time they hadn't given it a second thought. She couldn't decide if Harry's relatives would be relieved or annoyed at being confronted with such a 'normal' group of witches and wizards. She hoped they would be annoyed.

Because they had all seen each other recently and Harry wanted to get the unpleasantness over with the family reunion was kept short and her father quickly got down to business, handing a muggle football to Harry.

"So this is it then?" Harry asked as he cradled the ball against his hip with his left hand and reflexively grabbed Daphne's with the other. "It's about as boring as it gets. It's perfect."

"Happy you approve," her father answered as he placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, looking him straight in the eye. "We'll be a few feet behind you two. If he gets out of hand you give us the signal and Amanda and I did you put it Astoria?"

"You'll cheering charm the shit out of them," Astoria said determinedly as she stared at the barricade they were about to walk through. Apparently just thinking about where the Dursleys were standing was enough to aggravate her.

Her father winced at her colorful description. "The last time you used a different word but yes, we will cheering charm the...stuffing...out of them."

"I appreciate it but I'm sure it won't be necessary," Harry reassured. "Their bark is worse than their bite."

It was her mother's turn to speak as she echoed her husband's earlier act of grasping Harry's shoulders. "You're family now, and we look out for family. Always. I'm sure you can handle this but we want to be there just in case."

"Thank you, Amanda," Harry answered sincerely, "now let's get this nonsense with my...whatever they are...over with."

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