Meet the Fockers - Part 3

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It was remarkable to Daphne that despite being surrounded by hundreds of aggravated muggles impatiently waiting for their train she was able to spot the Dursleys immediately. It was most likely because their looks of all-consuming irritation seemed to be their default expression. Their disdain for everything around them was coming off in waves. As she and Harry approached the unhappy pair she discreetly cast Muffliato. The last thing she wanted was Harry getting angry and violating the Statute for Secrecy by shouting about magic.

"Hello," Harry greeted the pair simply. She could tell he was already tired of the conversation.

"Took you long enough," his uncle grunted before eyeing her suspiciously. "Who is this?"

"This is Daphne. She's my girlfriend," Harry answered calmly as he rubbed her hand.

"Well there's no accounting for taste," Vernon mused before refocusing on being aggravated. "Say your bloody goodbyes so we can get out of here," he ordered before turning his attention her way.

"And you," he threatened as he pointed at her. "Don't get any ideas about coming to the house. The next time you'll see him is when we are well-shot of him in the fall.

"About that, Uncle Vernon," Harry interrupted, "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that Voldemort is dead so you are well shot of me now. The bad news is there are still a few of his crazy supporters out and about that may still be looking for me. Since I'm not going to be living there any longer the protections on the house are going to start eroding before my birthday."

"Good riddance," Vernon muttered as he focused solely on the good news. His face had curved into something resembling a smile.

"Did you hear what I said?" Harry asked, aggravation now seeping into his voice. "You could still be in danger," he pleaded.

"Nonsense," Vernon said dismissively, "the only danger we've ever seen from your kind was caused by your freaky friends."

"Yeah, besides those Dementors who almost sucked out Dudley's soul last year," Harry reminded, drawing an audible shriek from his Aunt.

Harry nobly trudged on. "We have people who have offered to keep guarding the house in secret for the rest of the summer, and I have this p-"

"I said I want to be done with your kind, boy!" Vernon practically shouted in response as spittles of saliva flew. This man really hated magic.

She watched as Harry shook his head subtly, signaling to her parents that he had everything under control. Daphne never had a doubt.

"This is your last chance. If you refuse you are on your own," Harry warned.

His Aunt looked like she wanted to say something but kept quiet as Vernon angrily shook his head 'no' once again.

"Well, I tried. Goodbye," Harry stated unemotionally before turning away. "Let's go, Daphne."

"Wait!" Petunia pleaded as they began walking away. "You said that man...the one who murdered dead?

"Yeah, about a month ago. They've rounded up most of his followers but there are still a few in hiding."

For the briefest of moments, Daphne saw Petunia's expression relax before it returned to its normal pinched state. "What happened?"

"Do you really want to know?" Harry asked, the skepticism clear in his voice. At her nod, he continued.

"Daphne and I did it. I had an idea and she came up with something brilliant based on what I proposed. Daphne used some of what she learned from studying Mum's protection spell to do it so I suppose your sister helped as well."

"You're lying," she said disbelievingly.

"Right. I'm done," Harry spit out before walking away once again. This time it was his Uncle who interrupted.

"Why did you make us drive all this ruddy way if you didn't need a ride?" Vernon asked in his standard tone of fury.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you the other bad news," Harry answered, a smile appearing on his face for the first time since he'd spotted his relatives. "In my rushed exit last year, I left a few things behind that I want to keep. Daphne and I are going to apparate to Privet Drive and grab my things while you lot are stuck in traffic for the next hour and a half."

"You'll never get in," Vernon gloated. "Dudley isn't home and you don't have a key. You're not allowed to do magic out of school until your birthday." The man was so pleased with himself.

"Didn't I tell you?" Harry answered. "The Minister for Magic personally gave me special dispensation to use magic as thanks for the whole 'saving the wizarding world' thing. A quick unlocking spell on the door and we'll be all set. Daphne's of age already so we can both do all the magic we want in your house. If I bring my elf friend that will be three of us mucking about casting spells. See you later!" he called out as he began walking again.

As Harry pulled her toward the barrier Daphne finally spoke. "It was nice meeting you!" she called, waving goodbye. "Let's never do this again!"

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