Booksmart - Part 2

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As Hermione moved to shut her door Tracey deftly poked a foot in the gap, stopping her progress.

"Move your foot or I will deduct points," Hermione pleaded.

"Tracey stopped caring about losing points after Gryffindor cheated us out of the cup in first year," Daphne replied.

"We defeated Voldemort!" Hermione replied indignantly.

"By breaking curfew and defying McGonagall's direct orders from what I've heard," Tracey said dismissively. "Color it any way you were rewarded for breaking the rules."

"Fine. I'll deduct double points from you instead," Hermione countered as she forcefully pointed at Daphne.

"She stopped caring about points after she helped slay a dark lord and sent a quarter of Slytherin house's parents to Azkaban," Tracey answered on her behalf.

"But I'm Head Girl," Hermione pleaded once again, the fire now fully gone from her voice. "I have to set an example..."

"Just hear us out, Hermione," Daphne replied as she gently pushed her way into the room and took a seat. "Tracey, Harry and I have covered every contingency so you can let your hair down in a safe, consequence free environment. All contingencies have been planned for," she said reassuringly.

"You couldn't possibly have thought of everything I am worrying about right now," Hermione countered worriedly.

Tracey gently directed Hermione to take a seat on the bed. "You are forgetting that Harry and I had Daphne helping us. She's basically the blonde, pureblood version of you. Go ahead Daphne."

"We are all of age so we aren't breaking any laws," Daphne began. "We didn't invite Ginny because she isn't of age and we didn't invite the girls in your year because Harry said they were blabbermouths. No one is going to know anything that happens in here tonight."

"Slytherin students will see you aren't-"

"Tracey and I pretended to go to bed and snuck out using Harry's invisibility cloak," Daphne interrupted. "As far as everyone in Slytherin knows we are currently tucked into our beds."

"The girls in your year could-"

"Our bed curtains are drawn and compulsion charms have been applied so nobody will even think about snooping," Tracy interjected authoritatively. "Even if they find out they won't know it has anything to do with you or Harry."

Hermione remained quiet and waited for them to continue, seemingly mollified with what she had heard so far.

"Harry threatened the prefects on duty tonight not to shirk their rounds or there would be hell to pay. He's monitoring his map as we speak to make sure they shore up anyone else messing around in the castle."

"What did he threaten them with?" Hermione asked.

"You," Daphne replied, bursting out in laughter at Hermione's offended reaction. "He said their birthday present to you would be making sure nothing happens tonight while they are on duty."

"We are only nineteen days into term. They all adore him and think I'm the second coming of McGonagall. It's not fair," she complained angrily.

"Come on, Hermione. You've got them and Harry terrified of upsetting you. You love it and you know it," Tracey interjected.

Hermione bowed her head in an attempt to hide the smile Tracey's words elicited. "What if Professor McGonagall finds out? She will be so disappointed in me."

"Harry told the Headmistress what we were planning tonight."

"You have got to be kidding me," Hermione said in disbelief.

"We are all of age, she was young once, you and Harry are her favorites and she trusts you both implicitly. Her words not mine, according to Harry," Tracey responded gleefully.

"We are taking advantage," Hermione moaned as she rubbed her forehead, "it's not right."

Daphne continued on..

"If there is an emergency Harry has three potions at the ready in case he needs to sober us up quickly. He is going to monitor the map even after the normal rounds are over to make sure everything is okay so we can have a good time without worrying."

Daphne could tell the steps Harry had taken on her behalf were having an affect on Hermione as her face visibly softened.

"I don't like the taste of firewhisky," Hermione continued half-heartedly.

"Don't worry," Tracey responded cheerfully. "Harry has all of the alcohol that was confiscated during last week's surprise dormitory inspection waiting for us in his room. So you have lots of choices."

"He said he turned that in!" Hermione exclaimed. "He is a horrible Head Boy."

"He's turning it in tomorrow, we promise," Tracey reassured.

"McGonagall even offered us something from her private stores if it was needed," Daphne replied, doing her best not to laugh at Hermione's reaction..

"You know, since the inspection was your idea and you've earned so much trust from the Headmistress you really only have yourself to blame for this," Tracey piled on joyfully.

"That is the most ridiculous equivocation I have ever heard," Hermione replied as she stood up and grabbed the firewhisky, briskly filling the three glasses. At their questioning looks she continued.

"I lied," Hermione continued, 'I've never tasted firewhisky so I have no idea whether I like it or not. I just wanted to see if you planned for that contingency. I can't believe you planned for that contingency."

She placed the bottle down and pulled both girls into a hug.

"Thank you," Hermione blurted forcefully, emotion now clear in her voice. "I really appreciate you and Harry doing all of this for me. I know I seem ungrateful but I just worry-"

"I think we're supposed to save the emotional declarations for when we're well and truly smashed," Tracey interrupted before she pulled back and downed her drink, eliciting a laugh from Hermione.

"Well, I have no intention of getting smashed," she said authoritatively before taking a sip and making a slight face at the taste. "But I suppose one or two would be fine."

"Ohhh..." Hermione exclaimed happily before taking a larger sip, "my throat feels so nice and warm now."

Daphne exchanged a knowing glance with Tracey before downing her own drink. Hermione was was rather pleasant.

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