confirmed and released

633 19 16

kai sat on top of his throne once again playing with some balls of fire, he felt satisfied with the work he had accomplished the other day. the new soldiers were hard at work collecting much more stone from the volcano, they we're going to need a lot to take over ninjago, Garmadon watched kai closely from the ground he needed answers and fast.

"oh kai! may i have a word with you?" he called out to him, kai looked down at him and gave him that same smile he always had since containing this power, he jumped down with ease. "what's up Garm?" he asked, "now kai don't take this the wrong way but..." garmadon continued, "but ever since we came here and you inherited that power you don't seem like your usual self, your hair is white and your eyes glow, and you never smiled before" he stated, "i expected a lot of power, but being able to make stone soldiers, that just isn't possible!" (little does he know that's exactly what he did in season 16) he said with a hand on his forehead

kai did not look up at him he just stared down at the floor a blank look on his face, Garmadon could sense a change in mood and was starting to worry. kai looked up yet it didn't seem like kai, sure the figure in front of him did look like him but there was something missing, something he couldn't find. "oh Garm..." it said, "looks like your smarter then you look" he continued, kai's body walked to the back half of the volcano where there rooms were, with Garmadon close behind him.

"it is true, i am not your pupil Kai, i am Elio the first elemental master of fire" he said still walking to kai's room, his voice was now deeper and his eyes were a lot more hollow, he looked as if he had aged thousands of years while still staying the same age. "how!? why?!..." Garmadon had so many questions that he demanded the answers to, when they reached the room Elio went and got a scroll from the room and returned it to Garmadon. "when Kai first tried to harness my power he created a connection between us and i was woken up from my slumber" he said opening the scroll, the scroll showed a picture of their connection

"when i woke up in his body i had so much energy that i forgot i was asleep for so long, i was so excited about my new surroundings that i ignored them, i later realised what had happened and began to wonder why and how" Elio said, " Kai is my great x 1000 grandson and that was how we were able to connect, when i was woken up my mind travelled to kai's body and kai's mind was kicked out to my soul" he said with a grin on his face

"is he ok? i had a weird feeling something would happen to him after harnessing all that power, but not this" Garmadon said, "oh don't worry about him he's fine, but aren't you excited to meet me, the first ever elemental master of fire!" Elio said trying to show off, "so what's new, i want to see everything, like my friends, i bet they would have great grandkids to" he said walking back to the main room.

"yes yes, but before we do that there is just one thing i need to know" Garmadon said looking kind of glum, "anything Garm, ask away" Elio said with that same grin.
Garmadon turned around to face his paperwork, " im guessing since your the first you were a protector of your town or city or whatever you had" he said, "i guess you could say that, i fought many battles, most against bad some with the people i care about most" Elio said that grin no where to be seen, "with my plan to take over Ninjago city, are you going to try and stop me!" Garmadon said giving Elio the side eye...

"you know... to answer that question... im going to have to tell you about the last few things that happened to me before i died" he said looking down at his scar ridden hands, "buuuut, before i tell you about all the boring stuff, you need to show me what this world has become!!" he said with an ear to ear grin. "if i do that... you must promise to answer my question" Garmadon said holding out both his left hands to seal the deal, Elio looked at him and shook his hands "i promise" he said

"so what are we going to do first" he said practically jumping in the air like a child, "first i'll show you around the the city, the well fly around the outskirts of Ninjago, and maybe take a quick detour on the way" Garm said grabbing the keys sitting on the table. "WAIT, are we going to FLY" Elio squeaked, "how else would we go without me being seen, im kind of a big deal around here" he said walking towards the lava pit

at the edge of the floor where it meets the lava Garmadon stood with his hand out, he pressed the button on the keys and the lava began to bubble. slowly a blackened figure merged from the lava, a jet with black and purple stripes. "THAT. LOOKS. SO. COOL" elio said running over to it to get a closer look, "i was hoping to wait a little longer but oh well, hop in" Garmadon said opening the glass roof to the jet. they both jumped in and buckled up, another button was pressed the top of the volcano began to split open, the jet took of with speed out the volcano and heading towards the city to embark on some site seeing

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