Elio in ninjago

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Garmadon and Elio headed towards ninjago city in garmadons jet. along the way they passed many small towns and villages. they flew through many different biomes such as; the winter forest, the hot and sandy desert and the thick jungles.

"i have never seen ninjago so full of life, it's so, what's the word? amazement!" Elio practically squealed, " well you haven't seen this place in a long time, next is ninjago city, the heart of ninjago" Garmadon said bringing the jet closer to the ground ready to land. the jet landed smoothly and safely to a halt.

Garmadon had landed them on the outskirts of the city, in case of being seen by those pesky ninja. Garmadon pulled out 2 cloaks for himself and for Elio, he needed one just in case the ninja do see them and Garmadon needed one so nobody will make a fuss when he his seen. "put this on and let's go" he handed him the cloak and they walked off towards the city ready for a day in the city.

they we're having the best day, they went to the park and while Elio was looking around at all the beautiful flowers and animals Garmadon was pushing kids into the pond. next they went and got ice cream from a local vendor, Elio got a scoop of every flavour they had, and Garmadon got durian ice cream, took Elio's hand and ran away without paying the kind ice cream vendor.

later the visited the arcade where Elio had a blast playing all the games and winning prizes on the other hand Garmadon had fun hogging the best ,and favourited game by all kids there, prime empire, all the kids cried. after that fiasco they decided to watch a movie and the cinema, Elio was amazed with the pictures on the big screen while Garmadon spoiled the movie for everyone in that cinema.

after doing all they could in the city Garmadon thought of taking him to mega monster amusement park, "are there monsters there that we must kill and destroy" Elio said lighting his hand a flame, "no no no no, no this is an amusement park, it's filled with rides and food and games to play" Garmadon said trying to put the flame his Elio's hand, "sounds exhilarating, let us go at once!" he said hoping straight into the jet barely holding in the excitement.

Garmadon was creeped out with how happy Kai's body looked, for as long as he knew him he was never this happy, he wanted Elio out of him asap. on their way to the amusement park Garmadon made a plan, once ninjago was his he would find a way to get Elio out and return his precious pupil to him, then everything will be perfect, just as he had planned for all those years ago.

at the amusement park Elio had a blast going on all the rides, playing the carnival games and getting pictures with the mascots while Garmadon had fun ruining it for the other girls and boys trying to enjoy the park. " hey Garm, why do you always cause trouble for others, does it not matter to you?" Elio asked him as they sat on a bench taking a rest, Garmadon looked at him and then looked around at the many other people walking past.

"when i was younger, i was much like the kids you see around you, so full of joy and wonder, but sadly... i was bitten... by the great devourer... and was poisoned with evil" he sad gripping his hands onto his cloak. he hated talking about his past, it would always bring up unwanted memories of his father. Elio could tell he didn't want to talk about it anymore and changed the subject, "so, Garm, i think i have seen plenty of Ninjago for today why don't we head back" he said with his signature smile.

Garmadon agreed but had one last stop before he head back, he wanted to visit his dear old brother, Master Wu.
as they flew through the sky the clouds surrounding them, they both sat in silence. "sooo, Garmadon, i can tell we're not going straight back to the volcano, where else are we going?" Elio asked not taking his eyes of the clouds, "we're just going to pay my brother a quick visit" he said looking forward

"YOU HAVE A BROTHER" Elio screaming, "owww, yes i do" he said holding his upper hands to his ears, "but why now?" he asked again, "i haven't seen him in awhile and i wanted to show you to him, and if the ninja are there, this could be a great opportunity to show off how strong you are" Garmadon said with a smile.
this one is kinda short but i thought it would be to long if i added the next part
not long to the climax 🫠 probably another couple of chapters till then :)

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