behind a screen

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what felt like hours had gone by and Kai just lay there not knowing of what to do, scared of his thoughts he tried to think about the stuff that made him happy. he loved to train with his master and he loved beating people up, it made him feel strong, but eventually his thoughts won the battle.

he began to relive the day he lost everything in his mind, Nya was gone, his mother and father had vanished and he  didn't know what to do. he eventually travelled to ninjago city to see if he could find help, but no one paid him any attention to busy in there own lives. little kai tried going to a local police, but they thought that it was a stupid prank and kicked him out the building. Kai was so caught up in his memory that when a flash of light appeared he jumped into a sitting position and had his hand on his heart making sure it had stayed in his body.

"for fucks sake... maybe a warning would be better next time... what even is this?" Kai said aloud, since nobody was around he was unaware he began talking to himself. he looked up and saw a huge screen in front of him, it was his body and where he last was but he wasn't present. his body was moving and talking but Kai wasn't doing it, the actual Kai was sitting on the ground watching his body move. "wait... what... who- Elio, he must have control of my body".

minutes turned to hours and hours turned into days and yet kai still continued to watch the screen, he watched as Elio control his body, he watched him talk to his master and even watched him enjoy the sites on Ninjago, his home. on the very same day that Elio got to visit Ninjago kai had a hunch that it wasn't going to end well, when Garmadon said they were going to pay some friends a visit his gut was telling him that it was a bad idea, yet he couldn't do anything being stuck in a place with no entrance and no exit.

while Garmadon went down first Elio said something, something for kai to hear, "kai, i may have found a way to return your body! all i need is a few ingredients that are quite easy to-" he was cut off by Garmadon calling on him. "he did it, he found a way to get me out of here!" kai said jumping around. soon kai sat down and continued to watch the screen, Elio was being introduced to the ninja. kai froze there standing with the ninja was his baby sister, the sister he had been trying to find, the sister that he had lost so long ago, the tear's started to fall on their own and kai did not stop them, instead he smiled.

he had finally found her, she was safe and unharmed. "if she's alive then maybe so are my parents" he mumbled, kai got up trying to walk closer to the screen. but ever time he tried to get closer, the screen got further away, all kai wanted to do was try and get closer to his baby sister but the screen wouldn't let him. the walk turned into a run and he tried and tried to get closer, but it was no use.

Kai eventually gave up and sat back down and continued watching from a far. Garmadon had left to talk to his brother Wu and now it was just Elio and the Ninja, Kai couldn't keep up with what was happening one second he was standing in front of the ninja next thing he was about to hit Nya, he had to do something to stop him. with all his might and energy Kai ran up and jumped through the screen, there he was meet with Elio again, but this time they were inside Kai's mind.

"Kai what are you doing here!? how did you?" Elio shouted, "i was watching you, and i can't let you hurt her!" he exclaimed. "why not i thought we didn't like the ninja?", "that's my little sister, i lost her ages ago, i thought she was gone forever... i have only just got her back, i can't let you hurt her!". "kai... she is with the ninja though... they might've brainwashed her.... i'm sorry to do this but we need to get rid of them all" Elio said pushing past kai, " how do we know there bad, maybe Garmadon was lying-"

"Garmadon has been nothing but nice to you and me! he wouldn't lie to us! if you won't let me then i will also have to get rid of you" Elio shouted. they both ran at each other ready to fight when a voice stoped them, it was Nya. "if your in there, please, come home kai!" she called out to him, Elio took this opportunity to hit kai back through the screen and took control again

Kai feel and hit the ground, his head began to bleed as he watched the screen go red and realised what he had done. he had sent Elio into a fit of rage, he could just barely see through the screen and was worried he would not be able to to fix this. "FUCK... i just got you back now im about to lose you again" he shouted again kneeling over the floor tears and blood running from his face.

then it came to Kai, and idea that might actually work, "that's it!... now all i have to do is gather my strength" kai said sitting in a meditation position on the floor. "just hold on Nya, im on my way" he said to himself.

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