The end of their 'date'

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(No spoilers for The Barbie Movie or Oppenheimer 😉
Btw i k is that the Ninjago universe is not based on our place and is imaginary but I thought it would be cool so yeah)

The movie had just finished, "holy moly, that was a good movie" Kai said almost skipping out of the cinema, Cole following close behind. "We should come back soon and watch Oppenheimer, i have heard great things about it" Cole suggested, "that sounds good, what is it about, roughly?" Kai asked, "well it's about how the first atomic bomb was made and how it is able to kill thousands of people" Cole said very excitedly.

Cole loved history, when he first meet Jay and Zane he would talk to them for hours about all the interesting things that have happened, when he was in school Cole was always talking to his history teacher and asking him questions about the stuff he didn't know yet. Before his dad sent him to the dance school Cole wanted to be a history teacher. They continued out of the cinema as Cole continued on his story about WW2, they walked a few blocks down and saw a small cafe and decided to grab something to eat. "Oo it all looks so good, hmm I might just get the ham and cheese toasty, what about you?" Cole asked Kai, "I'm not to hungry, I might just try a milkshake since I have never had one before" Kai said.

When the food arrived Kai looked at his milkshake scared of what it would taste like, he looked up at Cole who was enjoying his food and could sense Kai looking at him. "What's wrong? Don't you like it" he asked the brunette boy sitting across from him, " no i haven't tried it yet, um what do they taste like?" He asked. "There is no need to worry Kai, milkshakes are delicious and taste sweet" Cole said winking at him. Kai took in Coles advice and went in to try it, when it hit his tongue his eyes lit up and he couldn't stop drinking it.

"It's good isn't it?" Cole said sarcastically biting into his toasty, "it's like heaven" Kai said taking a breather before drinking the remainder of the drink. When all of a sudden he stopped and groaned, "owwww, fuck why does my heart hurt" Kai groaned, "that would be a brain freeze, it's what you get for eating or drinking cold items" Cole said about to finish his toasty when he saw how much pain Kai was in and decided to give the last bit to him to ease the pain. "Here bud, this might stop the pain" he offered it to kai, "o-oh thanks" kai blushed but still ate it, it sort of worked

They finished off and left, "ok what's next Kai?" Cole asked, "well we should go find the others, but how about we go shopping, cause i can't keep walking around in these clothes-" Kai said, "you don't like my shirt, that was one of my favourite" Cole cut him off. "WHAT no, i like the shirt, but it's just, not me ya know, and also if I'm trying to convince people I'm good I don't think a giant skull on my shirt is going to work" Kai said, "ok ok, let's go look for some new clothes" and they walked off to the shops.

At the shops there were people everywhere, to many for Kai, he struggled to walk and not bump into people, he ended up holding onto Cole and holding his hat down over his face. Cole looked at him and smiled, " of course he would hate big groups of people, he was stuck in the shadows for years" Cole thought. Cole grabbed his hand and took him to one of the shops that was still good but less crowded, "is this better?" Cole asked to make sure the boy was ok. Kai looked up and around, there were still a few people but a lot less then what was outside, "yes, thank you Cole" he thanked him and began looking for new clothes, Cole was left flustered at the door.

 Kai looked up and around, there were still a few people but a lot less then what was outside, "yes, thank you Cole" he thanked him and began looking for new clothes, Cole was left flustered at the door

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Eventually Kai found some new outfits, some new shoes, including matching shoes with the other ninja and a new pair for Nya, and he also got a few other accessories such as sunnies and jewellery. "Ok now we should go find Jay and Zane" Kai said grabbing Coles hand and leading him out of the shops. "How are we going to find them though this city is massive?" He asked, "hey we're ninja we have out ways of finding each other" Cole winked at him and ushered him to follow him to the roofs. They ran up the fire escapes on the side of the building closest to them and were met with a massive view of the city.

"Ok so first things first (😉) we're not to deep in the city so we should still be able to see the vehicle we arrived here on, if it's not there then they left" Cole said looking around for it, "I see it, it's still here! So they must still be here" Kai said. "Ok good, now let me pull up the emergency tracker in my bracelet -" Cole said, "OMG that's so cool, do the others have one?" Kai asked excitedly, "yes they do, we are to keep them on us t all times in case, and don't worry, jay is working on one for u to" Cole said giving him a sweet smile. Cole pulled it up and sighed, "of course they would be there of all places", "where are they?" Kai asked, "the arcade" Cole said putting the tracker away.

"Yessss they arcade, i was hoping they were there, come on let's go!" Kai said jumping down and Cole followed closely behind him leading the way there. Once they reached there they looked inside and could see them playing the dancing game that jay loved. They walked in and up to them Cole in front and Kai off in his own world trying to hide his emotions but not doing a good job, "Ahem, what the fuck was that" Cole said softly do that Kai couldn't hear but loud enough for it to startle them.

They both jumped, jay into Zane's hands and Zane off the machine, "it was his idea!" Zane said, "what nuhuh" Jay said, "ugh whatever, is this all you have been doing today?", "what no, we also got some food to eat, and look what you made us do, we were about to beat my previous high score!" Jay cried. "Good, now you can show Kai around, cause i have been doing it all day and i have no idea about this place" Cole sighed. "Yeah yeah, but you didn't hate it did you, lover boy" Jay said but before Cole could hit him he ran up to Kai and began showing him around. "Holy FSM does he get on my nerves" Cole said standing over next to Zane, "he has a tendency to do that, anyway, what did you 2 get up to today?" Zane asked

"O-oh well you know, we went to the museum then watched a movie, got something to eat and then went shopping for clothes, and yes don't worry I made sure he got matching shoes with us and some for Nya" Cole explained, "sounds like a fun day out, but it sounds like a date to me" Zane said and it made Cole blush. "Yeah I know, don't tell Jay cause he will make fun of me, but we ended up holding hands quite a lot, I get the feeling he feels the same way I do" Cole explained, "then maybe you should tell him how you feel" Zane said. "WHAT, no I could never do that, what if I'm wrong and make things awkward, or end up with both him and Nya hating me" Cole said.

Soon enough Jay and Kai had finished and everyone was ready to go back to the monastery, on the long walk back to the car Jay and Kai were still talking about what games they played, while Zane and Cole were in back chatting about training from earlier. Funnily enough Cole could not stop admiring Kai, his soft yet strong features intrigued him.

 Funnily enough Cole could not stop admiring Kai, his soft yet strong features intrigued him

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