Eggs and Clowns

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Jeremy POV

It was 3 AM, half way done with the night. Both doors in the office were open, so they wouldn't drain power.

Jeremy was looking over the cameras. He noticed that he couldn't see into a certain camera. All it displayed was red static. Why is it just that camera that's messed up? He thought.

As he was thinking he noticed that Flumpty wasn't on any of the cameras. Oh no.

He ran over to the left doorway and turned on the door light.

Flumpty was there a short distance away, smiling at him.

Jeremy almost had a heart attack as he saw him. He stepped back out of shock. Holy sh-

His train of thought was interrupted as Flumpty took a step towards him. He snapped out of his shock as he smashed the close door button. The metal door shut while Flumpty was inches away from entering the office.

After the door shut Jeremy exhaustedly went over back to the laptop. He felt like collapsing on the floor but he knew had to continue on.

He checked the cameras again and noticed it was 4 AM. Took long enough, he thought. He found Blam and noticed he was a few cameras away from the office. He estimated Blam wouldn't be at his office for another few minutes.

He closed his eyes and lowered the laptop lid. He took a short breath and opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he noticed a clown peeking from the hole in the wall.

Jeremy shouted in surprise and jumped as he grabbed a teddy bear of the desk. He threw the stuffed animal at the clown and it bounced off his face.

Why did I throw a teddy bear?!

The clown had a pink face with white eyes and a red nose. It's jaw extended very wide and was filled with big human-like teeth. It only had its head peeking out of the hole and his fingers were grabbing the wall.

It showed no reaction to the teddy bear hitting his face. Out of curiosity, Jeremy grabbed a small plastic shovel that was on the desk and stuck it in between his top and bottom row of teeth. The clown started drooling.

"Don't test my patience kid," the clown said quietly with a raspy voice.

Jeremy pulled the shovel away from its mouth and set it back down. He was starting to shake. He was very unsettled.

First that golden egg, now this guy, he thought glancing at the clown. At least he doesn't seem hostile.

Jeremy saw Golden Flumpty once in his office, and felt his life drain from his soul as he looked at it. He only managed to live by looking at the camera feed.

Jeremy pulled up the monitor and started flipping through the cameras. He then realized something and felt a stab of panic. He jumped up and ran to the door.

Damn it! I forgot about the block head!

He pressed the light button and, sure enough, Blam was there. Like Flumpty he was also smiling, exposing rows of long human teeth. His eyes were completely pitch black. He noticed that holes were starting opening up around his face.

"HELLO!"  Blam shouted.

Jeremy smashed the button and the door shut closed.

"How rude!" Blam said, his voice less loud due to the door blocking most of the sounds outside.

Jeremy turned back around and noticed the clown was peeking a bit further out his hole. He brushed it off and checked the laptop. It was now 5 AM.

"Yes!" He whisper-shouted. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he flipped through the cameras.

Blam POV

Birthday Boy Blam walked down the hallway away from the shut door. He was still pissed at the person who closed the door on him. You shouldn't be mad my dear sir. He's shut the door on you five times tonight. He clearly does not enjoy your presence, a voice in his head told him. Auggghhh shhhut up! He thought.

After a minute of arguing in his own head, Blam arrived at his and Flumpty's room. He saw Flumpty smiling at a camera. He turned to look at Blam.

"Oh hiya Blam! Haven't gotten into the office yet, I assume?" Flumpty asked, smiling.

"I-I-auughh-gah-aughh!!!" Blam screamed, his voice becoming distorted. He started tearing the skin off his face and he shifted into Kevin Jr.

Flumpty acted as if nothing happened. "Hiya Kevin! I haven't seen you around much lately!" He said.

"Yes, yes I suppose Blam's gotten more insane now we have a new contestant. He's more calm usually and doesn't let me come out much," Kevin replied.

"Mhm, cool. Anyways, the night is about to end, just so ya know," Flumpty said.

"Night's almost over hm? Blam will not like that," he noted, shaking his rectangular head.

"Oh, you won't have to worry about that," Flumpty replied cheerfully.

Flumpty pressed his hand against the wall and a hallway appeared in front of where his hand once was.

"Follow me, I gotta show you something," Flumpty said with a smile.

Flumpty and Kevin walked down the hall. At the end of it there was a dim room lit by only blue lanterns. It had a table at the room's center that had several buttons and switches on it.

Kevin looked at Flumpty with a confused face. "Why did you bring me here Mr. Bumpty?"

"Well, I feel like my friend has survived through the night way too easily. I've definitely underestimated him. Plus, I'd hate to have the others miss out on some free flesh," Flumpty said.

"So," he continued "I figured he probably would have a harder time surviving 4 more nights, don't ya think?"

"And, it will be much more fun."

Flumpty pressed a big red button, and the 6 AM chimes started to ring, but started they started to reverse. A church bell sound went off in every room.

"Night 2 has officially begun. Have fun!" Flumpty said, his voice echoing through the entire facility.

"Very interesting," Kevin said "Quite impre- augggh crkkkkk-" Kevin clawed off his face and shifted into Birthday Boy Blam.

"Thanks Flumpty!" Blam screeched, running down the hall.

Flumpty smiled and snapped his fingers. Suddenly new rooms and hallways began to form off from previous hallways, new rooms materialized and connected to hallways, causing the entire facility to grow in size. After 10 seconds the lair had doubled in size.

Flumpty smiled wider and teleported to a newly formed room.

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