Falling Dominoes

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Kevin Jr. POV

Kevin Jr. ducked behind the countertop in the middle of the kitchen, hiding from the camera's view.

He had learned lots of things since his conversation with Chump. Very interesting things.

The contestant was alive. Kevin found him. And, from what he knew, the human was very powerful. Not only did he have a weapon, but he also gains the assistance Chump. How was that even possible?

Presumably, he could also rotate hallways to block off paths, and could somehow freeze some one in a block of ice. The latter was especially frustrating.

Kevin sat behind the countertop thinking. He now knew where the contestant was. And from what he knew, no one else had that knowledge. He was in a special position.

I should tell the others... he thought.

Another part of him thought differently.

Or... I could have him all for myself, he thought, grinning unnaturally wide.

After all... if no one else knew where he was, no one besides himself could kill him.

That part that spoke to him was the part of himself he always tried to suppress. The one that sat at the back of his mind, clawing and struggling to gain control. Birthday Boy Blam occasionally bubbled to the surface, when his primal rage couldn't be contained by Kevin any longer.

No, Kevin thought firmly, I'm better than that, his uncanny grin morphing into lips of firm resolve, The others ought to know.

With that, Kevin walked out the back exit of the kitchen. The back doorway led to small, fully grayscale room, with a portal on one of the side walls.

Kevin walked over to the portal. If he entered a portal, he would exit out to whichever other portal he willed it to take him to. If he didn't have a clear idea, it would just take him to a random portal.

Kevin stuck his head through the portal and peered out the other side. He saw the room he wanted to be in. It had purple walls and a checkered floor, with two opposing doors on the side walls. This was one of the offices.

He stepped out. The portal was slighty above a desk, and said desk was cluttered with all sorts of junk. He slipped on a log that was on the desk, but grabbed a wall on the other side of the portal, preventing himself from falling.

Stepping around a few random objects, he hopped off the desk. Facing the back wall of the office, he left the room through the door to his left.

He walked straight ahead for a while, suppressing Blam's increasingly frustrated screams.

Did the Redman ever succeed in his plan to find the contestant? He thought. Most likely not. The Redman probably would've killed the contestant if that was the case.

After half a minute of walking, Kevin took a turn around a corner to his left, entering Flumpty's room.

Flumpty's room had pitch black wallpaper that was adorned with faint, glowing stars. The floor was made of solid rock, with various craters, much like the surface of the Moon. Models of planets hung from the ceiling. A plush rocket and plush star sat against two separate walls.

Flumpty was there, sitting in the room's biggest crater. His was back was turned to the camera. He faced towards Kevin once he walked into the room.

"Hiya, Kevin!" Flumpty said, standing up.

"Hello Flumpty. I have news. I found the contestant," Kevin said.

"And you didn't kill him?" Flumpty asked, still smiling cheerfully.

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