The Underbelly

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Jeremy POV

Jeremy plummeted feet-first down the esophagus of the Beaver's toilet. The fleshy, teeth covered walls of the vertical tunnel became a blur as he started to fall faster. Jeremy desperately tried to stay up-right while he fell as to not get sliced open by the razor-sharp teeth.

This was such a bad idea! he thought.

Jeremy looked down.

To his surprise, he could actually see the bottom of the hole. It was fast approaching fast. It seemed dark, with a slightly bluish hue to it-

Jeremy fell out of the hole and splashed feet first into a pond. Jeremy quickly swam up to the surface, shocked by the sudden submersion into water.

He gasped for air, coughing out the hefty dose of water he accidentally swallowed.

His surroundings were very dim, but he could that see that the body of water he was in was surrounded by a large, open cave system. Glowing blue crystals on the walls illuminated the entire area. He was very close to the shore of the pond, only a half minute's swim away. Granted, it would probably take longer while carrying the bone fragment and with a wounded leg.

Jeremy looked up.

He was just below the bottom of the hole he just fell through and could see the faint light at the top. Surrounding the hole was the cave's ceiling, which was covered by stalactites.

The clown that was chasing him appeared to have given up, so Jeremy could breathe for a moment.

So there's a... cave down here?

Appalled, Jeremy started to swim to shore.

Then he felt something nibbling on his leg.

Jeremy instantly reacted and kicked off whatever was biting his leg. He dived under the water and tried to see whatever creature was under there.

Through blurry vision, he could see an eel-like creature swimming around him, with an unnatural white rectangular head. It looked like...


It brought back painful memories Chump's death. These eels had the exact same head as the thing that killed him.

Jeremy started to swim away. These mini eel Blams didn't seem much of a threat to be concerned of.

Five seconds later, he felt another bite. He brushed this one off, but received another one a second later. And another one. Then another one. Then another one.

Oh no...

Jeremy looked back and could make out something under the water. It was an enormous blurry green mass of eels moving towards him.

He tried swinging his weapon around in the water to scare them away, but they simply moved around the swings and grew only more agitated.

The shore was about 20 seconds of swimming away.

I have to get out this pond fast!

And so, he swam as fast as he could. He couldn't afford to try to fight them. More would just come and he'd be overwhelmed.

The mass of box-headed eels swarmed around him, biting into his flesh. They were slowly breaking the skin.

Despite the pain, Jeremy continued to swim. He was ten seconds away from the shore.

The ravenous eels continued to swarm him. He could feel their slimy bodies rub against him. He could feel the movement of water as more and more of them swam around him. And he could feel their bites.

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