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Grunkfuss POV

Grunkfuss stood twitching in the hallway, staring wide-eyed at the contestant.

The contestant froze once he saw a Grunkfuss, a look of horror on his face.

Grunkfuss' patience began to crack underneath the flood of anger being brought to the surface from seeing the contestant.

Jeremy ran down the hall. Grunkfuss twitched violently, anger beginning to leak out.

Finally, the flood gates gave way and collapsed beneath the overwhelming tidal wave of anger. His patience was gone. In its place, came the drive to kill.

NOW HE DIES! Grunkfuss thought with fury.

Grunkfuss took off and ran on all fours down the hallway. Searing pain slowly encompassed him, the side effect of his prior failure to kill the contestant.

The pain encouraged him to go faster, so he sprinted as fast as he could. He was desperate not to let the contestant escape. Not again.

Jeremy POV

Jeremy ran.

He held his weapon in one hand, and mild pain shot through his injured right leg with every step.

It's the same clown I saw on the first night! He didn't attack me then, so maybe he won't now!
Jeremy thought.

The rapid footsteps coming from behind him said otherwise.

Up ahead, he could see that same office he stayed in the first night. Jeremy ran into the office and quickly ran for the portal in the wall. The same one he first saw the clown crawl out of.

Dark office! Take me to the dark office! He begged desperately, running up to the portal.

Jeremy hopped up on the desk and practically dove through the portal, hearing the clown's footfalls not far behind him.

Jeremy made it to the other side of the portal and fell to the floor. He was indeed in the dark office, but the lights were turned on. He moved to stand up and turn the light switch off, but he felt his left arm being grabbed.

He looked at where he felt the pressure and saw a gloved hand that emerged from the portal wrapped around his arm. His grip was so tight that Jeremy thought he was going to snap his arm in half.

Jeremy quickly stabbed Grunkfuss' hand with the bone fragment, causing him to release his grip on his arm.

He ran over the light switch, and caught a glimpse of Grunkfuss crawling out of the portal. He flicked the light switch off a split second later.

The clown stood and walked around the room, eyes wild with rage. Jeremy stood still, try his best to hide the sheer fear that he felt. His weapon was pointed ahead of him.

Grunkfuss walked around the dark office, slowly moving towards Jeremy. Grunkfuss' hands were stretched out in front of him, fingers twitching.

Grunkfuss moved forward until he was only a few feet away from Jeremy. Jeremy gripped his weapon tightly and prepared to thrust it into the clown's forehead, but he stopped as the clown grabbed the tip of the bone fragment.

Jeremy's heart sank as Grunkfuss quickly and effortlessly snapped top of the bone fragment off, dropping the piece he broke off to the floor.

Grunkfuss inched forward faster, as if enticed by the mysterious object he felt.

Jeremy silently backed up as Grunkfuss continued to move towards him. Finally, Jeremy was up against the wall, Grunkfuss two feet away from him.

Jeremy gripped the bone fragment in his right hand, and stretched his right arm out to the side. Grunkfuss stepped closer.

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