Living Nightmare

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Jeremy POV

Jeremy's life hung in the balance as the fourth night began.

Nightmare Kevin Jr. ducked and maneuvered through the doorway, using his relatively thin body to his advantage. Then, the beast stood at his full height.

He was very tall. His head was inches away from the ceiling, and his top hat brushed against it.

Chump was by the center doorway of the office, about 10 feet away from Nightmare Kevin. He was staring at the monster.

Jeremy was standing behind his desk, weapon in hand. The distance between him and Kevin was around 20 feet.

"Danger," Chump uttered.

For one, long , tense, second, everything was still.

Then, Nightmare Kevin took a step forward.

Jeremy leapt into action. There was only one thing on his mind.


Nightmare Kevin charged towards Jeremy's desk, and was there after only three steps. He swung at Jeremy with his claw-like hand. Jeremy ducked under the swing just before his head was sheared from his neck. The swing struck the wall instead, creating a small crater.

The sheer power of the swing cut through the air audibly, and created a gust of wind that blew Jeremy's hair in the direction it swung.

Jeremy ran as dodged the swing, bolting towards the right doorway of the office as fast as possibly could.

Run, run, run, run, run, ru-

Before he even made it within a few feet of the door, he heard a screech coming from down the hall, followed by the Owl bursting into the room.

Before Jeremy could react, the Owl grabbed his weapon out of his hands.

"Gimme that!" the Owl said, flying away from Jeremy.


Jeremy came to halt before the right doorway. He turned his head and saw the Owl fly over the middle of the room.

Before she could fly out of the room through the center doorway, Chump did a superhuman jump and kicked the bone fragment out of the Owl's talons. The bone flipped through the air and landed clattering on the floor.

Chump landed a moment later, between both Kevin and the Owl.

In the next moments, time seemed to slow down.

Jeremey watched with utter horror as Nightmare Kevin swung his hand at Chump. There was no time to react. Kevin's blow made contact with Chump's face, and completely annihilated his entire head. The force of the strike sent him flying into a nearby wall. He fell to floor, unmoving.

No... Jeremy thought.

"NO!!" Jeremy screamed.

In an impulsive moment of frustration, Jeremy ran into the thick of the danger, hell bent on retrieving the weapon Chump had died trying to get back.

The Owl flew at Jeremy, but he ducked under her swoop. A couple steps later, Nightmare Kevin swung at him, but Jeremy jumped out of his duck and over Kevin's arm, running between the monster's legs once he hit the floor.

Jeremy turned and averted his path towards the weapon. Before he could pick it up, the Owl swooped in and picked it up before Jeremy could.

Just before the Owl got out of arm's length, Jeremy grabbed the weapon being held by the Owl. She grunted at the sudden weight she was now pulling, but she beat her wings more quickly and forcefully and slowly ascended off the floor. Jeremy hung in the air, holding onto the bone fragment like a horizontal bar.

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