The Redman and His Corpses

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Jeremy POV

It was now 4 AM. Grunkfuss, Blam, Eyesaur, and Flumpty had now left outside of earshot of Jeremy's activities in the office. Of course, Flumpty probably still heard him with his godlike abilities and all.

Bastard probably knows I'm in this room and's just fucking with me, he thought bitterly.

He checked his laptop and noticed there was a popup that had a progress bar filling up. It was labeled "REDMAN.EXE". Next to the name was a symbol of The Redman's face, which Jeremy recognized as the creature that walked by this office while he was watching the cameras at the very beginning of the night.

He closed the popup, confused.

He then checked the Owl's camera, but instead of showing the usual shot of the Owl's urinal, it displayed Flumpty's room instead.


He checked the camera that was actually supposed to display Flumpty's room, but it displayed the Owl's room instead, with the screen glitching slightly.

And the Owl was also gone.

Jeremy checked the vent cameras, and one them displayed only red static. He checked the other vent camera, and the owl wasn't there. He got up and closed that vent which displayed the static. A few seconds later, he heard the Owl slamming into the vent door.

He went back to the laptop, and noticed the REDMAN.EXE popup was back again, and the progress bar was 3/4 full.

He went to close it, close it but he heard an error sound effect and his cursor moved on its own, away from the popup. He quickly tried to close it again. Fortunately, he managed to close it this time, and the popup disappeared before it could download this "Redman.exe".

Unfortunately, the screen was flooded by a sea of error message popups. All the camera feeds were glitched and most of the pixels on the screen were becoming a red tint.

This caused the laptop to heat up and eventually it became too hot for his hands to hold, and he dropped the laptop on the floor as to not burn his hands.

He previously threw his mouse at Birthday Boy Blam and never retrieved it, so he could only use the trackpad to move the cursor. Unfortunately, the computer was way too hot for him to use the trackpad without burning himself.

He noticed the popup appear again.

Jeremy tried moving the cursor by quickly tapping the trackpad in the direction of the popup's location. But to his horror, the popup started moving away from his cursor. The progress meter started increasing and he desperately tried to tap the trackpad to move the cursor. His index finger was too burned, so he used his middle finger instead.

The progress bar was now halfway full, and moving around the screen faster. The rest of the camera feed was now nothing more than a jumbled mess of flashing red pixels. Jeremy helplessly swiped his finger at the trackpad, but to no avail. He had burned all of his fingers on his right hand and began using his left index finger.

The progress bar was 3/4 fall. Soon, Jeremy used up all of 10 of his fingers and sat there watching his computer destroy itself.

The laptop was literally starting to burst into flames, and the popup began to appear in several places at once. It was at this point that Jeremy lost hope. His laptop was effectively gone. And without his laptop, he was basically dead.

The progress bar was now filled.

The popup disappeared and the screen turned completely red, emitting a horrible, continuous beep noise. It displayed text reading "A fatal error has occurred at 10050:11121987 SFETDSFFOPGEFBUI. The current user of this laptop will be terminated." along with a message that read "REDMAN.EXE has been successfully installed. Thank you for your cooperation."

A moment later, one of the Redman's legs stepped out from the laptop screen, leaving a trail of red haze that dissipated a few moments later. The remaining three of his legs also exited from the screen, along with his ribcage. Lastly, his head materialized and emerged from the screen. The Redman crawled out of the laptop and stood up, with small, translucent red numbers and letters swirling around him.

Jeremy stood there, shocked. The creature was about the same height as him, and his eyes glowed with disdain. Jeremy slowly and stupidly turned off the light switch, eyes still fixated on the creature, who was about 8 feet away from him. He was too dumbfounded to do anything else.

The Redman's orange and yellow eyes still shined in the darkness. And they were moving closer towards him.

Jeremy snapped back from his shock and quickly moved to run, but he made it about about 3 steps before the creature caught up to him and tripped him with his skeletal legs. Jeremy tried to get up, but the Redman stabbed him in his right upper leg with one of his red spike-like legs. Jeremy cried out in pain.

He lied with his back to the floor, held in place by the Redman's leg impaling his own leg. The Redman loomed over him in the dark room, his glowing, fiery eyes illuminating his monstrous face. From that illumination Jeremy saw the Redman's mouth begin to open as he leaned closer towards Jeremy. Jeremy looked up with horror and realized the true reality of his situation.

I'm gonna die... he thought with pure terror that nullified all pain in his leg.

Half a second later, the Owl burst into the office and crashed into the Redman's head. The force of the impact knocked the Redman back, pulling his leg free from Jeremy's.

Jeremy took the opportunity to escape. His leg hurt like hell, but Jeremy didn't think that the Redman had fully pierced his leg bone. He crawled to his feet as he heard the Redman berating the Owl. He ran as fast as could, which probably was as fast as a normal person's walking speed. He went around the corner to the left and limped down the hallway, eyes veiled by tears.

He had no idea where he was going, all he knew was that he had to get away. There was a very high likelihood he would run into one of Flumpty's friends and die anyway, but he couldn't just stay in the office with that thing.

He wandered around thoughtlessly, observing the small, bleeding circular wound the creature had inflicted on him.

Jeremy arrived at a big room-shaped hallway intersection that had 3 other hallways leading out of it. The intersection itself was about the size of a small room. Jeremy leaned against a wall for a moment, gathering most of his wits back.

Apparently, he spent a little too long standing there because the Redman appeared in the corridor where Jeremy had just come from. He stood there for a moment, eyeing Jeremy. Then, he spoke in a surprisingly human voice.

"Eyesaur," he said. "Time to get up."

Jeremy felt a trembling coming from a room nearby. He quickly traced the noise to a room that a hallway behind him lead to. The noise got closer and a skinless dinosaur-thing emerged from the hallway behind him. It's very steps sent vibrations throughout the floor. It was the same creature he saw at the beginning of the night, the thing that filled half his exposure in less than a second.

Nevertheless, this was not good. He was flanked. The Redman in the front and Eyesaur to his back.

Then, the Redman spoke again.

"Prototypes," the Redman said, "Come forth."

A few moments later, 2 skinless, armless corpses emerged from the last remaining hallways present at the intersection. Now he was completely surrounded.

Jeremy staggered backward on his injured leg, but kept his balance. Somehow, he sensed that these creatures still had some humanity within them. Maybe it was just his fatigue, but he felt that they were just puppets being controlled by the Redman. Jeremy stepped backward another step and looked around, exhaustion still clouding his mind. Red monsters surrounded him on all sides.

What would he do?

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