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Jeremy POV

Jeremy woke up startled and confused. He got to his feet, and saw that he was in a brightly lit white room with balloons and confetti everywhere. One thing in particular jumped out at him.

He felt incredible.

He quickly looked at his left hand, which was recently torn off, and saw that it was back somehow. In fact, all of his injuries he had gotten while playing the game were healed. He took off the flesh tourniquet around his leg, and found the wound that was there was gone.

He put his hand to his chest, feeling his heart beat.

I was stabbed in the heart, he thought, I still touched the white door somehow...

Then, the full reality of what happened struck him.

I did it... I survived the game. I'm done. He thought, beaming. But where the hell am I?

Jeremy walked around the room, confetti crunching under his feet. He was amazed at how good it felt to walk properly again. He also noted how energized he felt, realizing that all the exhaustion he had accumulated over the nights was now gone.

The room he was in had no doors, and had two rows of tables, all of which had cake on them and balloons tied to them. Ribbons and streamers hung from the ceiling.

It looks like a party... for me?

As Jeremy was walking by a table, Flumpty appeared in front of him. Jeremy jumped back, gripping a bone fragment that wasn't there.

"You did it, best friend!" Flumpty said.

Before Jeremy could do anything, Flumpty hugged him. Jeremy quickly pulled out of it, startled. This was the same person that stabbed him through the heart with a tentacle a few moments ago.

"Woah, relax! The game's over, I'm not trying to kill you anymore! We're best friends now," Flumpty said.

Oh... right.

"Want some cake?" Flumpty asked, picking up a slice from off the table.

Upon closer inspection, the cake seemed to be made from skin and flesh, with a sprinkling of human ashes.

"No thanks," Jeremy said, stomach turning.

Flumpty shrugged, tossing the cake of his shoulder. "I knew I should've picked chocolate," he muttered

"Yeah, can I leave now?" Jeremy asked impatiently

"But... you're my best friend now..." Flumpty said.

"You expect me to be friends with you after all that happened?" Jeremy asked

"Well... yeah," Flumpty replied.

Jeremy sputtered, struggling to form words. Then Jeremy remembered something.


Jeremy breathed in. "Okay Flumpty, I'll be your best friend. If you let Cuppercake leave the caves."

"Who? Oh, him. Okay. And ya know all the details of Cuppercake's curse right?" Flumpty asked.

"I do," Jeremy said, getting slightly angry. "He told me all about what happened."

"Alrighty," Flumpty said snapping his fingers.

Then Jeremy fell unconscious.

* * *

Jeremy lay face down on the rocky ground, half conscious. Muffled news broadcasts rung in his head.

"... strange solar activity..."

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