Seeking Shelter

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Jeremy POV

Jeremy had no idea what was happening.

At first, he celebrated his victory, thinking that he'd won. But he quickly became confused when the 6 AM chimes began to reverse. His confusion turned to complete panic when he heard Flumpty say "Night 2 has office begun. Have fun!"

He saw red ripple-like patterns run across the walls and floors. Jeremy looked at his monitor. Now the map was about twice as big. There was several new hallways and rooms for him to look at. He was flipping through the cameras when he noticed an interesting room.

Said room was in complete darkness. The security camera itself was located inside the room and so where you could see an open doorway at the very front of the room. Jeremy could barely make out what looked like a light switch near the back of the room.

The office was completely dark and he noticed a red skeleton-monster walk past it without even glancing at it. Could I hide in there? It would be better than hiding in the hallways. And I still don't know how to get into the vents.

The door power shut off. I definitely can't hide in here.

Redman POV

The Redman walked down the newly materialized hallways on his 4 red bone-like legs. After a minute of walking he arrived at the room he wanted to be in.

The room was a square room with blue wallpaper. It had several random objects littered around the the floor, but its most notable feature was the giant pit of eyes.

"Eyesaur," the Redman said in a slightly deep, completely human sounding voice. "Time to get up."

Redman heard shifting from inside the pit, and it shook the entire room slightly. Finally the beast emerged from the pit, revealing a gigantic dinosaur creature composed of human corpses.

Eyesaur got up out of the pit and joined the Redman. They both walked down the hallway. The Redman went the cave room with the fire portal, and the Eyesaur went towards the dark office.

Jeremy POV

After the door power went off, Jeremy went out in the open through the right doorway. He took his laptop with him so it would provide light.

Then he saw Birthday Boy Blam in front of him.


Jeremy disconnected the mouse that was wired to his laptop and threw it at Blam's face. Blam was only 7 or so feet away from him, which didn't allow much time to dodge. So the mouse hit him directly in his left eye.

Before Blam could retaliate and murder him, Jeremy ran away down the hallway towards the dark room, hearing a distorted roar coming from Blam.

He hoped that the mouse to the face would slow Blam down and buy him enough time to get to the office unscathed. As he was running he checked on the Beaver via his laptop, and he was still reading the newspaper.

He ran past the stall, hoping the Beaver wouldn't see the movement of his feet from the bottom of the stall door.

From there he ran down the long hallway and turned a corner to the right, the extra illumination provided by his laptop guiding the way through the dim light.

As soon as turned the corner, he saw a completely dark doorway ahead to his left, and the letters A, B, and D, the numbers 1, 2, and 𝝿, and a cut out of a bee, a butterfly and a rainbow ahead to his right. This was the room.

Jeremy quickly ran up ahead and went into the pitch black room. The light from his laptop made the room somewhat visible to his eyes. He could see the light switch that he saw on the cameras.

He checked the monitor. No one was that close to the room. So he turned on the light switch.

The room had mostly a yellow lighting to it, a stark contrast to the dim dark blue hallways of most of the building. It also had a ton of stuff in it.

It had a record player, the Declaration of Independence, a dead green whale on the floor, some letter blocks, a drawing of a house, random food on the floor, a gutted purple pig creature, and bunch of other things.

Jeremy also noticed two vents on both sides of the room. There was also buttons close to them. He pressed the button to the side of the open vent, and the open vent closed. But to his dismay, the vent that was once closed opened. He tried pressing the button to side of the other vent, but the same thing happened.

This office didn't have a chair, so he just leaned against the back wall. I could get into the vents if I tried, he thought. But if anything's up there, there's no way I can escape fast enough.

So instead, he turned off the lights. He checked his laptop. It did not turn on. Is it dead?

He tentatively turned on the light, and it caused the laptop to turn on as well.

Seriously?! The laptop's power is connected to the light switch?

Unfortunately, Jeremy didn't have time to think about that massive disadvantage, because the Eyesaur had just arrived in front of the doorway.

Jeremy instantly scrambled to turn off the light switch and heard a loud buzzing coming from the laptop.

He swiped his hand at the switch and the lights turned off. The Eyesaur remained there looking into the darkness for another second before retreating back the way he came.

Jeremy sat in the darkness thinking about what he just saw. It looked like human corpses melded together into some form of animal...

Jeremy turned the light on and looked at the laptop to find out what the buzzing was about. There was now a horizontal meter in the bottom right corner that read "EXPOSURE". At the very right end of the bar there was a symbol of a skull. And the bar was already halfway full.

Maybe I'll just keep the lights off for now, Jeremy thought before he heard a thud come from one of the vents.

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