Love Blood Pt. 2

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[My blood ran cold.. I collapsed to my knees and screamed on the top of my lungs.. my body.. was frozen into place.. my eyes felt like waterfall.. my babies.. i.. i lost them.. the person shot theirself as soon as they shot and stabbed them.. ]
[My hand gripped on my stomach and I felt the memories of the pain and torture I felt giving birth to them.. Henry was in tears.. I never saw him cry so hard before. He never cried this much for Charlie's death.]

[The police arrived and paramedics. Henry was describing everything that happen this day. I was wrapped in a blanket, still in shock of what happened. my family and Henry's family went to the scene, my mom comforted me.]
[I went through all of this torture for no reason.. Now that i'm having a baby.. it's so much harder for me.. they're gone..]

[Month 2 : 1 Week.]

[Ever since the death of my daughters, I have been stressed and depressed. I was binge eating stuff that I was craving.. it was werid.. it would of been banana and orange juice or chocolate and cooked fish sushi. I don't know it's what the baby wants i guess. Surprisingly, I haven't really gain any weight. I was drinking water mixed with ginger and milk.. eh.. it was good but not to others. My baby bump was showing a little more than usual. I may be overthinking it too much. Henry came from the bathroom while I was sitting on the bed just looking at the ceiling.]

[He came to me and sat by me, he rubbed my stomach and kissed me on my lips.]
Henry : We're almost there..~
[I smiled. We heard knocking on the door.]
[Wasn't our room door. So we decided to ignore it.]

[Henry kissed me on my neck.. slid his hand under my shirt. I was moaning softly at this.. it just felt so nice.]
William : Henry..?
Henry : hm?
William : What do you think we should name the baby?
Henry : hm... not so sure... maybe.. Henry Jr?
William : Pfft- no! *laughs*
Henry : Alright alright.
[We were thinking and then I got embarrassed when my stomach grumbled.]
Henry : Hm. Maybe we should name it, Hungry
William : Stop! *I laughed*
[I hid my face]
Henry : Why embarrassed?
William : It's just that it sound werid and was out of the ordinary.
[He kissed me and laid his head on my stomach.]
Henry : Want me to get you something to eat?
William : well.. i been wanting chicken nuggets for the longest
Henry : My favorite meal in the world
[He looked proud of my decision.]
[He went downstairs and to the kitchen to make me some. Of course I felt nauseous, I got the bucket that my mom got for me and vomited in there. Ugh but my cramps were coming back.. it's like everytime I throw up my cramps gets worse. I called for Henry.]
William : Babe!
[He shouted]
Henry : Yeah!
William : i need my heating pad i left it down stairs
Henry : How could you forget that *laughs*
William : whatever.
[I laid back down and tried to massage my waist.. that's where it was mostly hurting.]
William : *groans..* Henry!..
[I heard him go back upstairs.]
Henry : I'm not too fast with these things.
William : Whatever, slow poke
Henry : Hey!
[He put the heating pad on my waist, it felt a little better.]
[He kissed my head and went back down to make the food.]
[Unfortunately, I fell asleep.]

[3 hours later.]

[I woke up, it was a good nap, the pain went away and I took the heating pad off me and saw the nuggets on a plate, he added salad with dressing and rice with it. He's always so extra, but I really appreciate it though. I saw a note.]
Note : "Sweetie, I went to the store and went to pick up your medication from the CVS pharmacy. Enjoy this meal."

[I laughed.]
William : Henry..
[I kissed the note and put it down and picked up the food and ate. It was really good, and finished it.]

[I went downstairs to the kitchen to put the plate in the sink. I didn't even notice someone was standing right there. Henry was on the couch tied up.. the person was..

Pointing a gun at me..]

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