Chapter 4 : Wed-dying Day! Pt. 1

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[Month : 7 : Week 2]

[It was our wedding day!]
[I was at Rebecca and Vincent's house.]

Rebecca: Hm... would you like to let go your hair or keep it up?
Vincent : Give William the ol' bald cut
William : HELL NO!
[Vincent laughed at me and Rebecca slapped his knee]
[Rebecca let down my hair, I had pretty long hair which reached my back.]
Vincent : DAMN-
William : I haven't really got the chance to cut it.
Vincent : pfft-

[Rebecca cut it a little, she gave me fluffy hair.]
(basically what it looks like)

](basically what it looks like)

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[credit : pinterest]

William : well.. at least it's long..?
Vincent : Adorableee!!!!!
Rebecca : YESSSS
William : I look like a fucking softie. Eh, it'll grow back.

[With Henry]
Henry pov :

[I was putting on my suit, getting ready for the wedding.]

Joshua : Hey man, don't forget your bow.
Henry : No don't worry I'm wearing a tie.
Joshua : You better look good for our brother before I attack you.
Samuel : Calm down Josh, he made a promise. He knows what we will do if he breaks it.
Henry : haha.. ha.. heh..
Joshua : Calm down man.
Henry : Sorry *laughs*

[At the chapel.]

[Everyone was getting seated as William and Henry were being transported to the chapel.]

william pov :

[William arrived before Henry.]
Rebecca : CMON YALL!
Winnie : RUN!
William : The fuck you telling us to run, I can't run!
Rebecca : Oh right-
Rebecca: Alright we'll speed walk.
[I sped walk to the building and we were giggling]

[After we arrived, everyone was waiting for me in the bridal room.]

[I put on the veil over my face. I was.. getting.. second thoughts.. if I marry Henry, he's my husband. I can't walk out.. i just can't.. I love him I want to marry him but a lot is also going through my mind. If I say yes, that's it.]

[A knock was out the door.]
Sarai : Honey?
[My mom called for me.]
William : Come in!
[Mom came in and went to me.]
Sarai : Sweetie. What's wrong?
William : Mom I.. it's.. nothing just.. thinking.
[I looked down at my lap.]
Sarai : Hey, everything will be okay. Once you get married, settle with eachother, go to the hospital & have the baby, your worries will go away.. I promise dear.
William : I know. Maybe, this is a new page for us.
Sarai : Exactly. Remember deep breaths, okay?
William : yes.
[I took one deep breath, and I smiled, took the bouquet of flower and got ready to go down the altar.]
[It was time to go down the aisle. I.. wish my dad was here.. but I don't want to see that man.. he was suppose to walk me down the aisle..]
[Instead, Vincent grabbed my hand and put it under his arm. He smiled at me.]
[I leaned my head on his shoulder as saying hello as I was really nervous to talk.]
Vincent : Hey, everything is gonna be okay.
William : mhm.

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