Birthday Disaster Party!

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[Few minutes later.]

Henry : How is this possible, did you take the pill without supervision perhaps?
William : I'm not.. so sure.. what I remember is that I was taking my medication, and I don't know what else.
Henry : Maybe mistaken it for the pill I made.

[Henry looked furious with me. He went and check in the cabinet and saw the bottle, he opened it and it was empty.]

Henry : Fuck William.. YOU DID!
William : I'm sorry!! Why are you so angry, you made it in the first place!!
Henry : Well you know what I changed my mind. I thought I threw it away because I made up my mind that I really didn't want this. You just screw everything up right now.
William : It's not my fucking fault!
Henry : Learn to read fucking labels first.
William : Well what am gonna do?!
Henry : I don't know William, it's impossible for you to get an abortion, so.. just.. you can't do anything about it.
William : ... are you even gonna help me?
Henry : No, I don't think I will.
William : ...

[Henry walked away and slammed the bathroom door on me leaving me in the corner. I was sitting in the corner crying for maybe a few minutes.. then minutes to hours..]

[Hours later.]

[Henry was getting ready as we were going to a kids arcade party for Amos and his daycare friends, he's an intelligent kid and already started to talk full sentences, we thought this would be an opportunity for Amos to make more friends. Henry was still mad at William for no unnecessary reason.]

[I came out the bathroom, I went downstairs and saw Henry playing with Amos and he looked at me.]

Henry : Why aren't you dressed?
William : Oh, I didn't..-
Henry : Just.. go.
[He rolled his eyes and picked up Amos and went to the second living room. I went upstairs and went to get dressed, my head was pounding me, I put on a casual black oversized shirt and a black pants, I didn't feel myself today. I sat down trying to ease the headache, realized I haven't took my medication yet. I went to the bathroom and almost collapsed on the floor, I did lean myself towards to the counter and reached for my pill bottle. No doctor or therapist knows what's going on with me, it's like my body is dying after my body had went through so much shit. I waited a few minutes for the medication to wear in. I opened the toilet, it was a clean toilet of course, but got sick and vomited. I heard a bang on the door.]

Henry : WILLIAM! Hurry up dammit you take forever.
William : *Cough* Im sorry, just.. give me a minute..
Henry : You had more than a minute in there, now get out!

[He opened the door, he saw me wiping my mouth.]
Henry : What was that?
William : Just felt.. sick..
Henry : Well that's your fault, William.
William : i..
[He walked off, I sighed. I got out the bathroom and went downstairs, Henry already invited everyone over so we can gather together and celebrate Amos' birthday then off to the kids arcade at afternoon. Some of my family like my mom and siblings and Henry's mother and father, then Rebecca with her daughter Treasure. Everyone was greeting eachother while I was there sitting on couch. I looked pale and sick but it isn't really noticing until you're close by me. I tried staying away from everyone, I didn't want to ruin everyone's vibe or anything. Rebecca was the first to go go to me and check if I was okay.]

Rebecca : Hey Will, what's wrong?
William : I'm fine, just a little under the weather.
Rebecca : You look.. pale. Are you sure? We can go to the clinic..?
William : Im fine..
[I smiled weakly, I feel like I was dying but somewhat alive. After finding out my dad killed my babies, I never talked to my mother and sisters since then. I mean I have Amos.. plus.. another little one.. but just.. everything is upside down for me. In my surprise, they came up to me and greeted me.]

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