Dinner Drama Pt. 3

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[I couldn't believe my eyes.. I backed up and exit the door immediately. I ran downstairs and ran outside to the car and locked the door.]

William : no.. No!! NO!!!
[I banged my head on the car seat.]
William : WHY!!!!? AHHHHHHH!!!!
[I went crazy. My babies were killed by my FATHER, not just my father, my stepfather.. not even my real father at all. I screamed on the top of my lungs, I cried my eyes out, until Henry unlocked the car and came back in the car.]

Henry : Police want us for questioning tomorrow.
William : ...
Henry : ...

[Henry broke down in the car, he was feeling the pain too.]

Henry : How.. how could I be so dumb..
William : It's not your fault Henry.. you're not dumb at all...
Henry : i just.. wish i investigated more..
William : ..

[Henry turned on the car and drove home. We drove back in silence, no eye contact, no sound.. just.. silence. Amos was sleeping peacefully with the AC on so I didn't worry much that he was in the car.]

[We arrived home, opened the door and we both sat on the couch just in shock, the silence broke when Amos finally woke up and started to kick his legs as he was happy to see me.]

William : Hello my munchkin!!
Amos : M.. m-
[We got extremely excited, Amos was about to say his first word!!!]

Amos : m-.. m-..
William : Yessss say mama!!
Henry : No say dada!
Amos : m-.. MA!!
William : You're almost there sweetie, c'mon, you can do it!!
Amos : Ma.. MA!!
Henry : Awww man!
William : Yesss!!!

[I may not be a mom, but I sure do act like one so I so happy.]

William : I'll make sure that mama makes you a full bottle!!
Amos : Mama!!
William : Yes!! Honey did you got that on camera?!
Henry : Yeah! Recorded and everything!
Amos : Mama!!
William : My sweetie pie, I love youuu~
[Amos laughed and continued to kick his legs up and down in happiness.]

[I warmed up a fresh baby bottle from him, he almost drank down half the heater fridge of Rebecca's breast milk.]

[2 hours later.]

henry pov :

[I was in the bathroom and got out. William was sitting on the bed pulling on his wristband.]

Henry : Baby..?
William : huh? I- uh..
[I touched his hand.]
Henry : Still thinking of those thoughts..?
William : I know it's bad.. i just.. can't help it.. after what happened today i was in total shock.
[William kept pulling on his wristband faster, I took his hand softly away.]

William : What are you doing..?
[I kissed his hand, he got flustered which was noticeable.]

William : I.. heh.
[He smiled.]
Henry : I'll make you some tea?
William : y-yeah.
[I then heard Amos' cry again. I went to check up on him.]

Henry : What's wrong my darling?
Amos : D..
Henry : Amos?!
[I was so excited, he was about to say "dada"]
Amos : Di.. d..
Henry : Yes, you can do it again baby!
Amos :  D-... Da! Da!
Henry : My boy, my boy! I'm so proud of you, you won't believe!!
Amos : Da-Da!!
[I hugged him and kissed his cheek he laughed and smile so bright and I was in awe.]

[It looks like he wanted me to hear him say his second word.]

[I put him down, and waited until he fell asleep.]
[I got out the baby room quietly and to see William fell asleep. He was so adorable, I kissed his lips and laid beside him. Seeing him just makes me..

want to have another baby.]

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