Wed-Dying Day! Pt. 3

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Vincent : mm.

[I ran to Vincent bed and hugged him]

William : You're awake!!

[We went up to hug him. It hasn't even been a month yet.. only 3 weeks.. that's half a month]
William : I told you he was strong.
Rebecca : I know..
[Rebecca kissed him and slightly made out with him.]
William : Alright alright let him breathe he just woke up!
Vincent : heh.. i don't mind early morning kisses..
Rebecca : oh really..~?
William : I'm right here!!
Rebecca : fuck off-
William : *i laughed*
Rebecca : heh.
[We told the doctor and he gave Vincent 2 days to rest still until he can be discharged.]

[Month 8 : Week 5]

william pov

[I was close to my due date. Henry was in a business meeting and I went down to keep him company, I wrapped my arms around him. He didn't get mad he just smiled.]

Henry's Boss : Ohh, is that your man-wife?
Henry : oh, yeah i'm sorry about that.
Henry's Boss : No don't worry! Tell them I said congratulations on on their pregnancy!
William : thank you!
[I was good friends with Henry's boss! We been friends for at least 5 years. He always was and is a good friend of mines.]

[4 hours later.]

[I was basically banned from doing anything in the house, Henry would be furious. I was laying in bed, my stomach was hurting me, I decided to sit on a big rubber ball Rebecca got for me, I bounced on it for a while, Rebecca said it was suppose to help with the baby coming faster.. I got off and laid on my side on the bed with pillows all over me. Henry came back up and saw me sleeping.. He suspiciously went on the bed with the computer and he opened the laptop, he turned on some werid sounding noises and heard him take his belt off and pulled down his pants. I opened my eyes a little as he suspected I was sleeping, I saw him jacking off himself. I.. slid my hands closely to him and touched his dick on purpose.]
William : babe.. you there..?
Henry : ..
[I indirectly played with his dick.]
William : what.. is that..?
[I opened my eyes, looked at Henry.]
Henry : w-william..
[I stroked his dick as I laid my head down. I laughed as he made cute faces of pleasure. After 4 minutes he then finally came on my hands.]
William : there.. doesn't that feel better..~?
Henry : m-mhm..
[I knew he was satisfied when he closed the laptop, pulled back his pants and laid next to me.]
Henry : You have magic fingers..~
William : Oh?~
[I took my hand and placed my hand in my mouth where I had his cum on, I licked it slowly.. right.. in front of him. I noticed his dick started to get hard again. I went on top of him, laid him on his back and kissed him, I moved my waist back and forth.. I was dry humping him and he was moaning already. I went faster, and he moaned loudly as it seem he cum and messed up his pants. I went faster, but I stopped when I felt that sharp pain again. I sat on the bed.]
Henry : Love?
William : Maybe we should continue later- *i laughed nervously.*
[Henry held my hand, he reminded me of our breathing exercises but I reassured him that i'll be fine.]

Henry pov :

[It was 6pm and heard knocking, went to open the door as we were expecting our family to come over.]

[William came downstairs, and I went up to him and helped him to sit down. Everyone came in.]

Henry : I know our last baby shower was a total disaster, so I thought maybe we should make up for it!

Margaret (Henry's Mom) : Sweetie I'm glad you did this.

[My siblings ran over to me and gave me a big hug.]

[What surprised me was that Vincent was there as well. He went over to hug me too, I stood up and hugged him tight, my siblings joined in.]
William : You're here!
Vincent : Yeah. I feel much better now. You? How's everything with you?
William : .. could.. be better.. i'm.. starting to get nervous.
Vincent : why so?
William : I mean just.. with being out of work, the due date of Amos and I just.. my mind has spiraled from there.
Vincent : Hey, everything will be alright. You're gonna do great. I have a question?
William : mhm?
Vincent : Where would you be having the baby at?
William : Well.. me and Henry were thinking of having a water birth?
Vincent : Oh! That's perfect! I mean it's pretty easier to deliver a baby in.
William : I'm not sure if it will plan out as I think it would.
Vincent : Let's just hope for the best.

Henry : Hey Vin. *He hugged Vincent.*
Vincent : Oh- heh, hey I missed you too.

[We heard a ding from a glass and it was Joshua.]

Joshua: I want to make a toast, and wish my brother a beautiful delivery of my first nephew from Henry and William, you guys made my day even better.

[Everyone clapped and me and Henry joined as well.]

[We all continued to have a little party and enjoyed ourself.]

[I went upstairs with my sisters + Rebecca.]

Rebecca : Well since the men are having fun, let's just enjoy ourself.
William : well- Rebecca.. i'm a man-
Rebecca : Currently, no.
William : Alright? hm.

[We were enjoying ourself, I was laughing and just enjoyed my time with them.]

Precious : soooo.. William.. touched anything.. long lately?
[I blushed.]
William : Uh.. noooo..? heh.
[I lied and they spotted it.]

[We continued the conversation and laughed to our heart's content. I then excused myself as I was going to the bathroom and pee. The baby keeps kicking my bladder everytime. I sat on the toilet and used the bathroom for at least 19 minutes. After I finished I washed my hands.. my waist started cramping me..I then felt a lot of urine come out of me and I couldn't control it or hold it in. The floor was a fucking messing.. but then I realize now..

... my water broke..]

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