Happy Birthday, Amos.

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[I was hyperventilating again.. I screamed for help, my older sister and Rebecca came in the bathroom.]

Precious : William, what's wrong?!
Rebecca : shit.. his water broke, Winnie! Call Henry!

[Winnie went downstairs fast.]

Winnie pov :

[I was pretty excited for my baby nephew arriving, I had a smile but tried ending the party.]

[The relaxing music stopped and everyone turned their attention to me. I was still breathing heavy because even going down the stairs was tiring.]

Winnie : *Exhales* So.. big party pooper, we might just need to start going to the hospital-
Vincent : Why sis?

Winnie : William water just broke-

[Everyone panicked especially Henry, he pushed me over and went upstairs.]
Winnie : WELL DAMN!

[meanwhile with william and his sisters.]
william pov :

[I was in so much discomfort.. Rebecca kept telling me to just breathe but I couldn't.. it was too much for me.. the agony.. I screamed loudly, my sisters got towels to clean up the mess on the floor. I was terrified and anxious, I didn't really handle this situation well as I thought.]

[I heard running footsteps as Henry came up stairs and saw us.]

Henry : I need you all to leave.
Winnie : We're not leaving! We want to help you guys!
Henry : Are you sure..
William : henry..
Poppy : Yes! We-
[I screamed.]
William : HE'S COMING!!
[Henry came to me and helped me up to the tub.]

Winnie : We're not going to the hospital?
Henry : After he gives birth, then yes

[I tried breathing in and out slowly.. just still groaning in agonizing pain.]
[Winnie went to get some towels and a blanket for the baby. Poppy got a pillow and putted under William head.]
Winnie : Who should help deliver the baby?
Poppy : Precious is pretty experienced.
Precious : Yeah, I can do this. Years in medical school might pay off.

[I needed them.. to STOP TALKING.. Henry started the tub to run the water than took off my shorts and put it in the dirty laundry basket. He also got in the tub with me and held my hand.]

Henry : Be strong for me, okay?
[I nodded at him even still trembling with fear.. yet excitement.]
[Precious got into the tub as well, I know those are her favorite pants she's wetting up. She opened my legs and looked at me.]
Precious : Right now all you need to do is focus on the baby and nothing but the baby. That's it. You're one month prematured but we'll get through this.

William : okay..

Precious : are you ready?

William : Yes! Just please.. start already..

Precious : On the count of three, you're gonna push as hard as you can.

[I was squeezing Henry's hand tightly as he rubbed my head.]
Henry : I'm right here..

Precious : 3. 2. 1. PUSH!

[I did push, this strain was too much for me to handle. I kept pushing until she told me to stop and breathe, breathing isn't even on my mind, all I wanted is this baby out. She counted again.]

Precious : 3. 2. 1. Push!!

[I did it again and I felt his head already. I was crying, Henry comforted me through this and dried my tears. I was feeling the pressure, the pain but it wasn't bad at all.. I was pushing, but it wasn't so agonizing as I thought it would. I groaned loudly as she told me to breathe.]

Precious : You're doing great, William.

[She counted again, I pushed as hard as I can, I saw so much blood again but knew I had to do this. I groaned and moaned loudly, Henry held my hand.]

Henry : You're doing alright now baby. How far is he, Precious?

Precious : About almost the shoulders.
[I was .. semi- relieved. At this he's almost out.]
[Precious counted again and I pushed again. This time I just let out a scream.]

Poppy : William, you're doing awesome just keep going!

[I kept pushing again, I arched my back up a bit, I already felt like he's coming out.]
Precious : He's almost here, Will! Just one more push!!

[I gave it my all. I screamed on the top of my lungs as I pushed with dear might.. I must of injured Henry's hand when my fingers kept digging through his hand.]

[I kept pushing but my body almost gave out.]

William : i.. i can't..

Henry : William. Yes you can. Remember what Precious said, focus on the baby. Right now, focus on Amos, not the pain.
William : i know.. but it's so painful..
Precious : I know it's painful but you need to take it a little more.. he's almost out.
[I took a deep breath, I closed my eyes tightly and pushed one more time, I just kept doing it not knowing for how long, I just couldn't bare the pain any longer and my body almost gave out.

William : AGHHH!!!!

...Until I heard the baby crying. Precious took him out the water and dried him. I grinned and cried of joy.. Henry also did and kissed me.]

Precious : he's beautiful..
[She'd put Amos on my chest. Poppy called 911 for the ambulance to escort me to the hospital. Me and Henry were just admiring his features.. It was like love at first sight..]

Henry : he has your cute button nose..
William : yeah.. *sniff.*
[We were just laughing and crying.. this was just a beautiful moment. Vincent went upstairs after hearing the baby crying. Precious stopped him from coming inside.]
Precious : If you want to help, go look after our family and announce the great news!

Vincent : already did.
Precious : Good. Why are they screaming so loud-
Vincent : Duh, they're excited?
Precious : whatever.
[Precious took off her pants and let it dry.]
Precious : ugh.. my new pants..

[10 minutes later.]

william pov still :

[I was already dried up and had a black oversized hoodie and black sweatpants on. I had Amos in my arms in a wrapped blanket. Henry was laying beside me.]

[Vincent came back upstairs.]
Vincent : they're here.

[The ambulance was here and Henry helped me up and escorted me down. I was in the ambulance car with him being transported to the hospital.. after all Amos is few weeks prematured.]

[Henry looked at me. I began to sing a happy birthday song for Amos.]
william : happy.. birthday to you.. happy birthday to you.. happy birthday dear Amos.. happy birthday to you..
Henry : ... how.. old are you now..
William : pretty sure he's 10 minutes old..
Henry : well just trying to know from this little man here.
[He put his hand on his face.]
Henry : Amos..
William : Amos Emily..

to be continued.

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